Reviews from

I Shud've Been a Farmer

Could it be true...

19 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think there's no doubt about the farming background with all those crops and veg sprouting everywhere. A humorous little story with an excellent punchline at the end. Well done and good luck! Debbie

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    Finally, someone
    Gets my story
    And made me very happy
Comment from Mia Twysted
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had to read it a few times before it really took effect, and I understood what was being said. But in the end I see that life on a farm is being compared to the man himself and the life he lives.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    Well thanks for
    Staying with the story
    The subject actually was an insurance agent but with the multiple veggies he was growing he thought perhaps he had chosen the wrong career path
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Comical entry. Unique in the use of the words, corn, bunion, spuds, and of course lounging in the hay, with her who never says neigh...

Best of luck...


 Comment Written 01-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    Thanks for the review
    I am glad you enjoyed it
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's pretty funny, Tom. I especially liked your last line, ya braggart.

I think the first line would read better if it said, "I've long been suspected of being a farmer." Same 8 words, but it makes more sense.

Also, a bunion grows on your big toe, not your heel. You've obviously never had one, no less two, like I had. Required major surgery to repair with 3 weeks off work back in 1988. Must walk flat-footed in stiff, flat-bottom wooden shoes for weeks because they saw through the first metatarsal bone and straighten it out and stick pins in there to hold it in place while it heals. When you have both feet done at the same time, recovery is pretty bad.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    Your the 2nd person to suggest changing the first sentence but when I read the suggestion it reads to me as been suspect from other people whereas written i am announcing my own feelings. Re-read as the intent and let me know if I get my point across.
    Further, I have a b-onion on my heel and my orthopedic doctor told me to have it removed he would have to remove my Achilles saw it off and reattached the Achilles and I?d be in a cast for a year.
    I have been bothered re: reviews and since Christmas have had too few reviewers read and comment.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nicely written, and I wish you the very best in the contest. May you have a good day may God bless you richly. Have a wonderful weekend as well. Patricia.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    Thank you
Comment from Michele Harber
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely sense of humor this shows. I enjoy puns, and you certainly use them well. This is a great entry for the humorous 50-word story contest, but I do have a couple of minor editing suggestions to make your good story even better.

- Was the title spelled that way just to give it a more countrified pronunciation?
- Your first phrase, "I have long suspected to be a farmer," isn't quite grammatically correct. "I've long been suspected to be a farmer" gets the same point across, with the same number of words, but grammatically correctly.
- "Corns grow on my toes" clarifies the point you're making. It took me a couple of reads to realize what "corn grows on my toes" meant.

Otherwise, I got a kick out of your sense of humor, and found "b-onion" truly inspired.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    The misspelling in the title was for effect.
    As for your suggested change when I read your idea it has me think others suspect I might be a farmer whereas I wasn?t certain if I could be but must be with the crop I grew.
    Grammarly wanted corn yet I agree with you since their are more than one. Thank you.
reply by Michele Harber on 31-Jan-2024
    Thanks for giving my suggestions consideration. I do fully understand why Grammarly preferred corn, as it's both singular and plural (you don't generally say "corns on the cobb"), but Grammarly doesn't realize that you're using the other version of corn (which does have a plural) in a punny contest entry, so tell it to mind its own business!
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    I have. They don't listen. :-O
reply by Michele Harber on 01-Feb-2024
    Funny, I have a daughter like that. Maybe there?s a job for her at Grammarly.
reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    You are as funny as I can be, Michele, and let me add I grew to believe daughters never listen, at least at first.
reply by Michele Harber on 01-Feb-2024
    So you?ve met my daughter??
reply by the author on 01-Feb-2024
    hahaha -teehee.
    Not ony met her, but I believe I have her twin sister as a daughter, too.
reply by Michele Harber on 01-Feb-2024
    That?s great! She?s always wanted a sibling.
Comment from QC Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your funny 50 word story is very good. I believe you nailed this challenging type of story telling very nicely done. I'd only suggest adding some more spaces before the begging to lower your story under the picture. Blessings and Thanks for Sharing, Good Luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    I appreciate your review. Thanks.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    I appreciate your review. Thanks.
Comment from thoughtgame2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very good way, to make someone smile...with only 50 words. I liked it very much, and I know others, will also. Smart way to explain, what the animals think, about farming. Thank you.

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 Comment Written 31-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    Well, the story was about me, whereas the ass was supposedly a similitude of my age, and status in life living on Nevertheless Acres, our homestead. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you become a fan.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    Well, the story was about me, whereas the ass was supposedly a similitude of my age, and status in life living on Nevertheless Acres, our homestead. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you become a fan.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you've Dione a great job with this short flash fiction. There are one or two myths planted in their like spuds growing in my ears, and the b-onions on my feet. Good job, good luck, blessings Roy

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 Comment Written 31-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    My other, god rest her soul, always told me I had taters growing in my ears, and that's how that line came to be. B-onions was being creative. What more can one do with fifty words?
reply by royowen on 31-Jan-2024
    Be creative
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2024
    My other, god rest her soul, always told me I had taters growing in my ears, and that's how that line came to be. B-onions was being creative. What more can one do with fifty words?