What if I were God?
How would things be different if I were God?31 total reviews
Comment from GWHARGIS
You raise a valid point. What would any of us do if we had the power of God. Would we stop all suffering. I was taught that bad things happen for a reason. We may never understand why. We just should never doubt his love. We'll thought out. Very thought provoking. Gretchen
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
You raise a valid point. What would any of us do if we had the power of God. Would we stop all suffering. I was taught that bad things happen for a reason. We may never understand why. We just should never doubt his love. We'll thought out. Very thought provoking. Gretchen
Comment Written 04-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Hello Gretchen,
thanks so much for your great review. I know and firmly believe in the law of sowing and reaping, and sometimes things happen to us as a result of choices we've made in life. Other times, it doesn't make any sense. However, that being said, I'm also sure that with the limited amount of knowledge I have, I can't begin to see what tomorrow will bring, and I have to count on the goodness of the Lord to do what's best.
Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from Paul Manton
Mr. Botts, you are one of the best men writing on this site. Your piece is filled with wisdom and good sense. You should not disparage yourself, nor the power of prayer - God is just waiting to hear it. 'The prayers of a good man are very effective' - ('availeth much' in the KJV) so I urge you to pray for us all.
You are right when you say that there is a great deal of suffering on this site; I don't think we are particularly stricken - it's just that the family is aware between them of the many problems we have. We have learned to trust each other with our pain.
Your wish to cocoon people from harm must be our corporate desire. Why does God allow it? The exact same question runs right through the Psalms - and there is no definitive explanation. All I can tell you is what you already know: God gave His only begotten Son . . . so that we would have a path through death and suffering and a place for everlasting life in an environment where absolutely no kind of pain can exist.
That is a message worth sharing with the world.
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Mr. Botts, you are one of the best men writing on this site. Your piece is filled with wisdom and good sense. You should not disparage yourself, nor the power of prayer - God is just waiting to hear it. 'The prayers of a good man are very effective' - ('availeth much' in the KJV) so I urge you to pray for us all.
You are right when you say that there is a great deal of suffering on this site; I don't think we are particularly stricken - it's just that the family is aware between them of the many problems we have. We have learned to trust each other with our pain.
Your wish to cocoon people from harm must be our corporate desire. Why does God allow it? The exact same question runs right through the Psalms - and there is no definitive explanation. All I can tell you is what you already know: God gave His only begotten Son . . . so that we would have a path through death and suffering and a place for everlasting life in an environment where absolutely no kind of pain can exist.
That is a message worth sharing with the world.
Comment Written 04-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Hello Paul,
I'm both honored and humbled by your words. Perhaps because people feel comfortable sharing with their friends on this site we are made aware of the many needs we all have. I know that there are many very compassionate people on Fan Story, and they all pray and though we can't do anything to steer God's hand in an issue, I know that if we pray for His will to be done, whatever it may be, He will honor that prayer. It may not always be what we wish though. Thanks for you very kind review.
Have a blessed evening.
Very best wishes, Tom.
Comment from Iza Deleanu
A story from the heart, and you are right there is a reason that we are not God, just imagine how bias we would be towards one thing, or the next. In Romanian we have a aaying_ God gave, God tool blessed be His name. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest.
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
A story from the heart, and you are right there is a reason that we are not God, just imagine how bias we would be towards one thing, or the next. In Romanian we have a aaying_ God gave, God tool blessed be His name. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest.
Comment Written 04-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Hello Iza,
thanks so much for the generous review and wise comments. You're absolutely right, to God alone belongs the wisdom, power and integrity to rule this world fairly and righteously. It's hard to understand why some things happen, but we have to believe that some good will come from all of it. We can't see what the future holds, but the Lord can.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from JSD
Another tribute to the lovely community that exists on FanStory. You give evidence of those who are suffering but finding solace in the prayers and thoughts of 'remote' friends. Thank you for sharing this.
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Another tribute to the lovely community that exists on FanStory. You give evidence of those who are suffering but finding solace in the prayers and thoughts of 'remote' friends. Thank you for sharing this.
Comment Written 04-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2023
Hello John,
thanks so much for the great review and comments. I'm encouraged by this writing community. There is a genuine concern for each other that gives strength in our time of need. It's a blessing to know that we don't suffer alone.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Amen. Thank you for this reassuring, thought-provoking, and inspirational post. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am in the midst." Matthew 18:20. When we pray together, God hears our collective prayers for the various members of our writing family.
It is a good thing that none of us are God, because we would all disagree on how things should be handled. Even though I don't understand why things happen the way they do, I'm glad we can relax and have faith in God's infinite wisdom.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Amen. Thank you for this reassuring, thought-provoking, and inspirational post. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am in the midst." Matthew 18:20. When we pray together, God hears our collective prayers for the various members of our writing family.
It is a good thing that none of us are God, because we would all disagree on how things should be handled. Even though I don't understand why things happen the way they do, I'm glad we can relax and have faith in God's infinite wisdom.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello LJ,
thanks for your words of wisdom. For certain, no one on this earth qualifies, and Lucifer thought he'd take over and we all see how that went. I'm so glad to be a part of a caring community. We may not all agree on everything, but I think we all come together when one of our members has a need.
Have a blessed evening.
Comment from aryr
Sometimes I ask that question myself, Tom. They're good questions. Sometime I ask myself, where did I go wrong? They indeed great questions that are only answered by God. I admired the strength you projected into this one. The picture was great. Blessings n Peace!!!
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Sometimes I ask that question myself, Tom. They're good questions. Sometime I ask myself, where did I go wrong? They indeed great questions that are only answered by God. I admired the strength you projected into this one. The picture was great. Blessings n Peace!!!
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello aryr,
I think we probably all wonder what mistakes we made that put us into a particular situation. Fortunately, as long as we're alive, we can repent and move on with God's blessing. I should have given credit to the photographer for the picture. I usually get so caught up in what I'm writing that I forget. I'll have to go back and correct that. Thanks so much for the great comments.
Have a blessed evening.
You are most welcome, Tom.
Comment from royowen
Even in a small church that I attend, there's seems to be lots of death issues, near death issues, and relational/friend health, accommodation issues all the time, even a little girl with renal failure issues, good heavens, so besieged are we by fanstory to boot, we cling to the scripture, "God works all things together for good.." it's a wonder people don't give up, but the don't, bless 'em, but we pray with hope, bless you Tom, Roy
Typo : (Cacoon) Cocoon
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Even in a small church that I attend, there's seems to be lots of death issues, near death issues, and relational/friend health, accommodation issues all the time, even a little girl with renal failure issues, good heavens, so besieged are we by fanstory to boot, we cling to the scripture, "God works all things together for good.." it's a wonder people don't give up, but the don't, bless 'em, but we pray with hope, bless you Tom, Roy
Typo : (Cacoon) Cocoon
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Roy,
it would be easy to be overwhelmed by the many needs that so many have. Thanks goodness God knows each need, and regardless of whether we can pray about them all or not, He can still address them and in the process turn them into a blessing somehow. I don't know how He does it, but He does. I appreciate you catching that error, I didn't even notice it.
Have a blessed day my friend.
Yep, I guess that?s why He?s God.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Prayer is doing a lot. I know for fact the power of prayer. I have felt it and seen it work in my life. Thank you for sharing this post with us.
The butterfly needs to struggle to get out of the cacoon in order to have strength to live in the world. (cocoon)
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Prayer is doing a lot. I know for fact the power of prayer. I have felt it and seen it work in my life. Thank you for sharing this post with us.
The butterfly needs to struggle to get out of the cacoon in order to have strength to live in the world. (cocoon)
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Barbara,
I agree that there is a lot of power in prayer. I guess when I don't see results I start to wonder if my prayers are in vain, but some things are reserved for God alone. No doubt I would try to take credit if everything I prayed for had the result I wanted in the time frame I wanted. Thank God that in all His wisdom, He does things His way, and it's going to be right. I appreciate your great review and catching my error gal. If I ever do another book I may need to hire you to proof read it for me. Thanks!
Have a blessed evening gal.
I offer things to God, then when I don't get the results in the time frame I want them, I have bad habit of taking them back. I have so glad God gives grace. LOL
Ha, ha, ha- I can laugh because we all seem to want to put God into a box that we design, and when He doesn't do what we think He should, we want to take over. Human nature gal. I appreciate your honesty.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Sadly, almost every day we run across or bump in to people who are going through the trials and tribulations of life. The never ending cycles of life. When things are bad, they usually get better, all but once. And when things are good, look out. They are about to get bad, and sometimes in a hurry. But I'm with you, all we can do is hope and pray with all our hearts for those around us. Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Sadly, almost every day we run across or bump in to people who are going through the trials and tribulations of life. The never ending cycles of life. When things are bad, they usually get better, all but once. And when things are good, look out. They are about to get bad, and sometimes in a hurry. But I'm with you, all we can do is hope and pray with all our hearts for those around us. Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hi Ric,
thanks so much for the thoughtful review. You're absolutely right, we can rejoice in the fact that things might be good for awhile, but there is always that knowledge in the back of our minds that it's short lived. It's all part of living in a fallen world I suppose. It seems that issues are coming at us faster than ever before, but part of that could be attributed to our age I suppose.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from BethShelby
This is a good post. I imagine most of us feel the way you do. We don't like to see others have to suffer and we wonder if our prayer are of any value. I think God is all knowing and caring and His wisdom is perfect, so we have to trust that it is all part of a greater plan. We make decision that shape the direction of our lives, but if we make them with asking God guidance, I believe the Bible verse that says All thing work out for good to those who love the Lord. We are asked to pray for others, so we can at least do that and believe someday all will be made right.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
This is a good post. I imagine most of us feel the way you do. We don't like to see others have to suffer and we wonder if our prayer are of any value. I think God is all knowing and caring and His wisdom is perfect, so we have to trust that it is all part of a greater plan. We make decision that shape the direction of our lives, but if we make them with asking God guidance, I believe the Bible verse that says All thing work out for good to those who love the Lord. We are asked to pray for others, so we can at least do that and believe someday all will be made right.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Beth,
I agree with you whole heartedly. We can't see the future or understand the good that God has in mind for us in difficult situations. I've noticed though that some people seem to suffer an uncommon amount in comparison to others. In the case of Job, of course, his latter life was better than his former. Thanks so much for the great review and comments.
Have a blessed day.