Reviews from

Unwelcome visitor

Thanks for coming - not!

30 total reviews 
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree, those recurring bad dreams can be awful. Why do they bother?
Well written. I love that you keep the reader guessing until the last line who the unwelcome visitor is.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Thank you very much. I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol. I think she visits us all. If only we could figure out how to tactfully tell her to leave us alone. But, alas, she just keeps coming back. This was a fun entry. Lighthearted and playful. Sorry you missed the contest. Gretchen

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Thank you very much Gretchen. I meant to enter but was working on a biography. Next time I looked, the contest wasn?t there, entries must have gone for judging.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sorry you missed the contest deadline. I did, however, enjoy reading and am positive you would've done well. I think we all have something in our past that rears it's ugly head ever so often, just to annoy us.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Thank you Barbara. Lovely review. Yes, here it must be insecurities I never knew l had.
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, I know about your unwelcome visitor. You did a good job of keeping the mystery till the end. Fortunately some of my worst dreams don't visit much any more, like I'm at school in my nightgown, crouched down behind my desk, hoping the students can't see me.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Lol. Yes, mine is an insecurity about school too. Mine is that I can?t find my classroom or my students or I haven?t prepared my lessons or I am running late etc etc. none of which ever happened. I was always early or on time and well prepared. Enjoyed my classes and students. It?s weird. Thanks so much for reviewing.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Many times I will have recurring bad dreams myself one of the bedrooms that I have that recurs yes being stuck in a lot of water someplace. And it's about the time that I wake up that I realize that I need to go to the bathroom. Patricia.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Oh, then just as well you get a warning! Thank you for reviewing - always appreciated. Wendy
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What was the appropriate contest you missed? I thought this might be a 200 word flash fiction, but I popped it into wordcounter and it is 191 words.

Your story took me down the path of a past 'friendship' in my life, with someone who I knew for years and seemed to want to spend time with me but was rather undermining... how you wrote was so similar to my experience with her, but then the twist in your story is that this is a recurring bad dream, in which we undermine ourselves with our own insecurities and self-judgments. There's no escaping our inner fears.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    The contest was for a story headed "Dreams". I meant to enter, then forgot till too late. So I decided to twist my story around so no one would know what the topic was. (I?d have had to write it differently for the contest.) I did think about adjusting it for a future flash fiction too but decided not to wait. Thanks so much for a super review. Always appreciated.
Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I used to have one of those. Something walked over my recumbent body. I never saw it though and it never harmed me but it was most unsettling. It occurred in different places. It was too heavy for a rat. I thought it was a cat. I never saw it and it always totally paralysed me.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    That would be creepy. Mine is about being late, disorganised or unprepared for my classes, or I can?t find the classroom. I was never that way. Always early and well prepared and got on well with my students. Loved teaching. Weird. And I have been retired for seven years now.
    Thank you so much for reviewing.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have her visitations too. A great entry or a stand alone short. The art is perfect of the u welcome guest.

Sending you my best today as always, and my best for your writing day.
Sal xoxo's

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Many thanks Sally for a lovely review. Always valued.
Comment from Father Flaps
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Wendy,
I wondered who this unwelcome visitor might be. Then, I discovered it was a recurring nightmare. I've had dreams where I've awakened and thought, "Darnit!" Sometimes dreams are good, and you want to go back to sleep and continue them. That's only happened once for me, that I recall... and I'm closing in on 73. I've had dreams where I raised up out of my bed and, as if in a balloon, bobbed off the ceiling. That was a bit scary, but fun. One night, I even rose out of bed and floated out the window, from my second story window! That was real scary! And a voice told me, "This is dangerous... you have to go back... now!" And immediately, I was back in my bed wide awake! That has never happened again. Sometimes, when waking up in the night and trying so hard to get back to sleep, I fell into some kind of stupor. I was falling, and at intervals these scary faces would appear in front of me. Scared me to death. These happened frequently until I finally had enough of them, and woke my self up. I've never had the experience again. These were my only "recurring bad dreams". Fun to remember, but not to go through again!
Nicely penned!

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Thank you for a super review and for the details of your amazing dreams. Mine go back to when I was teaching. I am super organised and always punctual and well prepared and hot on well with my students - and my dreams show me as running late, without lessons prepared or I have lost my students or my classroom ?. Loss of all control and feeling confused and upset! Weird.
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ghat's a pretty good one, Wendy. In the beginning, I thought you were referring to your conscience. But then I knew that could not be it, because you are such a nice person, and probably have never done anything that would cause your conscience to bother you. I just noticed that you are the number one author. Well deserved. Congratulations.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2023
    Lol. My conscience has a go at me sometimes too. But this dream and its variations are unfounded, all to do with losing my class or being late for class, no lessons prepared, or lessons lost etc and mild panic sets in as I flounder around. Etc. I was always on time and well prepared, calm, and got on well with my students. Go figure. Thank you for the congratulations. (Lyenochka hasn?t been writing much lately!)