Reviews from

Thinking of judiverse

Viewing comments for Chapter 1 "~ A Promise Kept ~"
For judiverse for the loss of her husband

27 total reviews 
Comment from Ginda Simpson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Still feeling quite new to Fanstory, I am amazed at the outpouring of friendship and support for Judi as she grieves. And done in so many creative ways and varied poetry styles. This is so well written and will no doubt comfort her.

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Ginda, for your great review
    and comments.
    I appreciate your time, Jan
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have to have limited reviewing for a little while, entertaining out-of-town relatives. I have to say I am glad that I read this first thing this morning.
How sweet and thoughtful of you to give Judi these words of comfort and love. At times like these, she needs to know she is not alone.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Maty, for dropping by to read
    and review.
    Both greatly appreciated, Jan
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

Jan, this is beautiful and am sure Judi will be very touched by your caring words for her at this time when she needs friends the most. I was so saddened by the news that a wrote one too even before I had seen yours. Once again, gorgeous Poem with lovely message!

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    THANK YOU, Debi, for your exceptional
    review and rating of 6 stars.
    Both are special, Jan
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was so lovely, Jan, I knew it would be before I started reading. It's a sad time that Judi is going through, and messages like yours will be a great comfort to her. I loved your words, and the words on the video. Bless your heart, my friend. Sandra xx

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Sandra, for your great
    review and comments.
    Both mean much to me, Jan
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Jan, how heartfelt and compassionate, your verse -- I only learned of this sad news today, and the poems I am reading are so poignant, I am deeply moved. May they be of comfort to our friend!
I have no sixes left this week or your most deserving poem would have one!

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Thank you for dropping by
    with a great review and comments, Dawn.
    Both mean much to me, Jan
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jan, your poem is beautifully penned. This is a poem of love and faith, and I am sure that Judy will cherish it. Of special note:

an angel came, he wasn't alone.
She held his hand, with no regret,

(Great imagery)

Excellent rhyming. Perfect photo choice. Beautiful presentation. Thank you for the YouTube. Well done. I wish I had a Sixer. Xo. M

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    THANK YOU, Margaret, for your awesome
    review and special comments.
    Both mean much to me always, Jan
Comment from ~Dovey
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Jan!

This is amazing! I know that judiverse will be so touched by your beautiful presentation and comforting words. Do worthy of a sixer for your efforts!


 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    AWESOME review, Dovey. THANK YOU so much
    for the rating of 6 stars.
    Means much to me, Jan
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for your lovely, soothing poem, Jan. I appreciate how you comfort by showing us the gentle ascension of Judi's husband as he is escorted Home to Jesus. Still so sad for Judi.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Helen, for dropping
    by with a great review.
    Means much to me, Jan
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a beautiful poem. I like the repeated phrases you used. I also like that lines about the angel accompanying her husband on his final journey. Prayers for Judi in her loss. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure this is a comfort to Judi. Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Carol, for dropping in to
    read, review, and comment.
    All greatly appreciated, Jan
reply by Carol Clark2 on 19-Apr-2023
    You're welcome. Have a great week.
Comment from Pam (respa)
This work has reached the exceptional level

-Beautiful image and nice presentation, Jan.
-Thank you for adding to the book.
-You wrote a beautiful poem, as well.
-Lovely images and effective rhyme.
-I don't have words to describe this
because yours are so good.
-You tell a good story about this lovely
angel who came so "he wasn't alone
"She held his hand, with no regret."
-A beautiful third verse and very good concluding one.
-This will have special meaning for Judi and
you touched my heart, as well.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    THANK YOU, Pam, for your exceptional rating
    of 6 stars and awesome comments.
    Both mean much to me, Jan

    [adding to book was no issue]
reply by Pam (respa) on 20-Apr-2023
    You are very welcome and deserving of the stars and review, Jan. Thanks for telling me about adding to the book.