Reviews from
Let's not go too far!
11 total reviews
Comment from
An amusing entry for the 8 words poem contest. Just wait until you write a 6 word poem contest.
Six words!
has got
Best of luck in the competition :-)
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Comment Written 12-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 12-Mar-2023
Lol. Thank you. It took me a second or two for the words, and a lot longer to present them! And yes, I did actually put an entry in (a serious one) for the six-word contest! We are really shrinking the fabric now with eight and six word "poems"!
reply by PoemsOfDD on 12-Mar-2023
I'm waiting on the one word poem :-)
reply by the author on 12-Mar-2023
Lol. Well, it would have to be a pretty important word!!
reply by PoemsOfDD on 12-Mar-2023
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