Adventures of Living Alone
Things happen with little warning so be prepared.32 total reviews
Comment from jmdg1954
Hold up a second. Humor Non-Fiction. Humor? This is serious! You need to have your wrist and shoulder checked out. I'm all about, toughing it out but you also have to be sensible.
I did find your story written with a smidge of humor... I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the words.
Be well, please.
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
Hold up a second. Humor Non-Fiction. Humor? This is serious! You need to have your wrist and shoulder checked out. I'm all about, toughing it out but you also have to be sensible.
I did find your story written with a smidge of humor... I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the words.
Be well, please.
Comment Written 06-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
I've been scolded by several reviewers for not taking this more seriously. I need to be able to laugh at myself so bear with me. It my choice of ways to survive the aging process. I appreciate the review, John. Icing my wounds helping and swelling is going down.
Comment from royowen
Are you serious Beth? it could've happened even if you were younger, it sounds like you have serious case of pride. Non of us is independent my friend, we need others. I think you need to get X-rays, healing doesn't come so easily when older, where's the kids? I'll pray, Blessings Roy
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
Are you serious Beth? it could've happened even if you were younger, it sounds like you have serious case of pride. Non of us is independent my friend, we need others. I think you need to get X-rays, healing doesn't come so easily when older, where's the kids? I'll pray, Blessings Roy
Comment Written 06-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
I called my older daughter after I got home, and she wanted to take me for X-rays, but I refused to go because I didn't want her dressing me, and I was incapable of managing doing it with one hand. Everythings is better today. It isn't so much a matter of pride as the idea of starting to depend on others for help. I know it will happen, but as long as I can manage on my own I will. Thanks for the review and your prayers. They helped. I can use my hand and if my wrist is fractured It's not likely a bad break.
I do understand Beth, it happened to my mother, and I?m cut from the same cloth I?m afraid.
Comment from Bill Schott
This story, Adventures of Living Alone, has some definite examples of the perils of living alone. Once one settles on the idea that the worst-case scenarios can be handled, I guess it is licked. So understand the embarrassment of being seen so vulnerable, or even unkempt as a rag doll. Vigilance is the answer to unnecessary problems. The rest is hopefully just experience for a good story.
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
This story, Adventures of Living Alone, has some definite examples of the perils of living alone. Once one settles on the idea that the worst-case scenarios can be handled, I guess it is licked. So understand the embarrassment of being seen so vulnerable, or even unkempt as a rag doll. Vigilance is the answer to unnecessary problems. The rest is hopefully just experience for a good story.
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
You seem to understand better than the other reviewers that I don't want to be seen as vulnerable. Laughing at life's curves is what keeps me going. Thank you for a great review. I really appreciate the six stars.
Comment from mermaids
I live alone now and it is different. We often do no think about some of the hazards we may face. I am glad you are alright. I am laughing at the scene of you out in the driveway attempting to move a tree. At least you can laugh at it.
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
I live alone now and it is different. We often do no think about some of the hazards we may face. I am glad you are alright. I am laughing at the scene of you out in the driveway attempting to move a tree. At least you can laugh at it.
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2023
Thank you so much for review. People are questioning why I called it humor when they saw it as serious, but even serious things are sometimes funny in retrospect. Being able to laugh about the stupid things I do are what keeps me going.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
When I fell and broke my wrist a while back it was horrible attempting to get dressed. I needed surgery because I broke it in two places. I am praying for you. Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us. Good luck with the contest.
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
When I fell and broke my wrist a while back it was horrible attempting to get dressed. I needed surgery because I broke it in two places. I am praying for you. Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us. Good luck with the contest.
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Thank you so much Barbara. I remember when you broke you wrist. Mine is black and blue and still swollen but it doesn't seem to hurt when I type so I'd hoping it is just bruised. I apprecaite your prayers.
Comment from Ulla
Hi Beth, I'm so sorry this should happen to you. I certainly hope you haven't broken your wrist. I think as we get older we become more in danger to falling.
Only one thing, Beth, non-fiction is not allowed in the contest. But you could fix it by classing it fiction. It would be such a shame if it was disqualified as it's so well written. A hug, Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Hi Beth, I'm so sorry this should happen to you. I certainly hope you haven't broken your wrist. I think as we get older we become more in danger to falling.
Only one thing, Beth, non-fiction is not allowed in the contest. But you could fix it by classing it fiction. It would be such a shame if it was disqualified as it's so well written. A hug, Ulla:)))
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
I know. I didn't read the directions well. I don't care if it gets disqualified. Tom told Helen it wouldn't be, because It didn't say that up front, but doesn't matter if it is. I can't make it fiction at this point because it is all true. I was going to post it anyway so I didn't write it just for the contest. I'm hoping my wrist isn't broken but if it isn't better by tomorrow, I'll go get it x-rayed. Thank you for a great review.
I just wanted to let you know. But I totally understand what you're saying. I know it goes against the grain to call it fiction when it's all true.
Yes, I think it's a good idea to see a doctor if it's not better tomorrow. I really enjoyed reading about your unfortunately fall, because you wrote it so very well. I could just imagine it all. I'm still so very sorry it should happen to you, though :)))
Comment from patcelaw
Your story makes me understand exactly what my family wanted me to leave my home in New Mexico and move in with my daughter in the Phoenix area. I have since I have been here I have fallen twice and it has been a good thing that we had what's called a Knox box on our front door which the fire department can come in and open the door so all I need is to make sure I have my phone with me should I fall and I can even call 911. I have a watch that tells me if I have fallen it will alert my family. May I ask just how old you are, a?
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Your story makes me understand exactly what my family wanted me to leave my home in New Mexico and move in with my daughter in the Phoenix area. I have since I have been here I have fallen twice and it has been a good thing that we had what's called a Knox box on our front door which the fire department can come in and open the door so all I need is to make sure I have my phone with me should I fall and I can even call 911. I have a watch that tells me if I have fallen it will alert my family. May I ask just how old you are, a?
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
I'm 85 and know a lot of people fall at that age. I'm trying to be more careful. I have four children in the area but I don't want to live with them. They would take me in, but I would perfer assisted living if it comes to that. Thank you so much for the review. Even if I'd had that walker with wheels with me, I couldn have handled it on the steep hill. I appreciate the review and comments.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
First of all, I hope you sought medical help - just to be on the safe side. I'm wondering, since you were able to type this post okay, if things are okay. I can't imagine typing with a broken anything in my arm.
I've always said that I have no desire to age in a house - it will be condo life for me!
Thanks for sharing this, as it's a reminder for some that we need to live in appropriate housing that doesn't create dangerous situations for us.
Hope you are well:-)
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
First of all, I hope you sought medical help - just to be on the safe side. I'm wondering, since you were able to type this post okay, if things are okay. I can't imagine typing with a broken anything in my arm.
I've always said that I have no desire to age in a house - it will be condo life for me!
Thanks for sharing this, as it's a reminder for some that we need to live in appropriate housing that doesn't create dangerous situations for us.
Hope you are well:-)
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Thank you, Pam. If I brace my arm, all my fingers work except for my thumb. The swelling is starting to go down in my hand and fingers but not my wrist yet. If it isn't better tomorrow I see a doctor. I'm starting to think I need less space and someone to take care of the outside area. A condo would work only if there are no stairs. I appreciate the review.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
I sympathise here Beth and falling in old age is the biggest risk to health. I have lived alone for 13 years and at first I hated it, but over time I have come to enjoy the freedom of pleasing myself what I so with my time. I fear falling and have fallen a few times and I am not as strong as I was. I have several flights of stairs in my house and always hold onto the bannister when climbing the stairs.
I am sorry to hear you now have an injury to your arm and you should probably get it x-rayed? I can identify with your post Beth, take care of yourself, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
I sympathise here Beth and falling in old age is the biggest risk to health. I have lived alone for 13 years and at first I hated it, but over time I have come to enjoy the freedom of pleasing myself what I so with my time. I fear falling and have fallen a few times and I am not as strong as I was. I have several flights of stairs in my house and always hold onto the bannister when climbing the stairs.
I am sorry to hear you now have an injury to your arm and you should probably get it x-rayed? I can identify with your post Beth, take care of yourself, love Dolly x
Comment Written 05-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Thank you Dolly. I really appreciate the review and comments. I miss my husband but I do like living alone and doing anything I want to with interfereing with anyone else's plans. I used to have a house with stairs everywhere but I'm in a huge house with one level. I don't think I could handle stairs again. My arm is better but my wrist is swolen and painful.
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
You did hurt yourself bad enough, thank God you were able to get in the car and drive away from this ordeal. Let me know how your arm is feeling; I hope you did not injure it. I like your story because it proves that when we least expect a storm coming; there no doubt one on the way unexpectedly.
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
You did hurt yourself bad enough, thank God you were able to get in the car and drive away from this ordeal. Let me know how your arm is feeling; I hope you did not injure it. I like your story because it proves that when we least expect a storm coming; there no doubt one on the way unexpectedly.
Comment Written 04-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2023
Thank you Rosemary. My arm is better but my hand and wrist are stilll swollen and painful. My fingers work except for my thumb. I appreciate the review.