Reviews from

Transformation to Transcendence

Qubits will prevail (Read Notes first)

17 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There are so many points I want to dig deeper into, but I need to read this again, possibly more. You have done a great job putting out your thoughts on what you've learned and discovered from today's and past scientists. Most are above me. I agree that we still contain our Neanderthal heritage, and I think that's not a bad thing. That we are what we are brought up to be from our parents and beyond, is something I've wondered about. If a child born to rich, powerful people was swapped at birth with one from a poor deprived family, would they still grow up to be what they would have become had they not been swapped? Is it more the advantages of one, that is lacking in the other that dictates our future?
If there were no politicians, churches, (I agree religion is man made. God is not a religion) no rich of poor, just all equal, perhaps the world would be better, but I doubt it. You will always have those who are stronger willed, and those who have none, just follow the pack.
As I said, this is packed with interesting thoughts and I need to read it again to get much of it in my head. It was a very interesting read, but too heavy to read over breakfast. I will be back! :)) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2023
Comment from F. William Lester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! This is a lot to digest, but very interesting reading. A couple of thoughts: I understand what you were saying in the first part (software, supercomputers, AI), and the connection between AI and the truth, but I didn't think the first part clearly connected to your message in the second part. I'm one of those "old dogs" that will be left behind by the new technology and your entire message (the second part) would've been just as clear without the first part. My opinion. A second thought occurred to me as I approached the end and that was the idea that humans are imperfect. We fail by design (imperfectly designed) and although Utopia is a worthy goal, we will never attain it because we fail; we are imperfect. I agree with you about how the non-thinkers are manipulated, especially with the ascendence of the previous administration, the events of January 6th, and the constant spin of conspiracies-on both sides. I would like to hold an intelligent conversation, giving and taking, speaking, then listening, but until we open our minds, and return to some form of equality and respect, I don't see it happening. I'm pushing 80 and probably a bit jaded, but despite that I still hope. Maybe AI is the answer. I don't believe I will be around to see it. Thanks for sharing this. Well thought out. Nice work. Stay well

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2023
    More coming
reply by F. William Lester on 25-Feb-2023
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This would be a great article, if it was written as 5 to 10 separate articles. All these things you talk about are related, in a way. And certainly, you are a lot smarter than me if you understood what you wrote about quantum computers. I admit I didn't read every word because it really is too long when it moves from one somewhat related subject to another. The defense of Tesla was my favorite article. Utopia was pretty cool, too.

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 Comment Written 24-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2023
Comment from Lea Tonin1
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is....oh my Lord. I'm flabbergasted....I am absolutely astonished, I am completely floored. Not because of the subject matter or matters, but because of the validation you just gave me. And a lot of what I've seen felt, heard and admittedly did not understand large chunks of it until I was reading much of what you have provided in your very thorough and extensive collection of work.
Clearly, a lot of work, sweat, tears, passion and belief went into this. I congratulate you on a great piece of work Not many would be as diligent as you to create such a piece.
For my part there is too much of it to explain here suffice to say you have given me validation that my cheese has not slipped off my cracker. Thank you and I'll have a more respectful eye on what's coming. We are Is multi fascated are we not? Hi thank you for this great monumental effort you have given to share this with us. I wish you all the best and thank you for your insights and your hard work!

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2023
    Many thanks
Comment from Frank Malley
This work has reached the exceptional level

Transformation to Transcendence" is an exceptional analysis of what shapes the worlds of humanity. It is the result of a bright mind moving through very large circumstances and drawing astute conclusions from this encounter. I am grateful, in particular, for the quantum function presentation and the truncated history of technology.
At times, this speaker seems frighteningly confident. There are unaddressed, important "realities" that would, no doubt, have made this longish piece even longer. The author's rant against ego doesn't acknowledge the important role ego has played in providing a motivation, however imperfect, for seeking understanding. This essay doesn't consider that too abundant human life on this planet could exhaust resources; it seems to assert that with our minds in the right place, we can do anything. It does not mention population as a concern. It ardently speaks of the body's ability to heal itself, but doesn't mention the cases when the body cannot/will not heal in circumstances when human intervention can restore health.
There is a rationalist undercurrent supporting this set of brilliant analyses that is almost religious; hence, dangerous. There is an optimism present herein that can find only sporadic support in the 7000 year history of learning and technology.
There are a number of other objections to be made; none besides exhausting this planet means doom, or necessarily undermines the contentions made within this remarkable document. I am hoping for permission from you to copy it, or refer me to its source if it is part of a larger work. All the best, and keep scrubbing the laundry. Frank Malley

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thanks for this focused response. My portfolio contains tons of related writes and my efforts are now directed towards describing human development using technology as a partner rather than a dictator. By all means, copy whatever strikes a note with you...John
Comment from AuroraSky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My thoughts are that the write shows you have the ability to process alot of information, presenting your dislike for certain machinations of the world's hierarchical structure, while maintaining a hold on key historical figures to present your perspective as you wove into sharing your idealism in regards to Utopia.

At the conclusion, you finish with the simplicity of the light of hope within yourself.

 Comment Written 11-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2023
    Thanks much
Comment from Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was well written, rich in Theme and Imagery.
It also, read well and Flowed well with no Grammar Issues.
My Complete Synopsis:
The Adjective and Objective Contents were both Excellent and Exceptional while Descriptive Measures aligned Perfectly.
Thanks for sharing this and have a blessed day.
Doctor Ricky 1024

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 Comment Written 11-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2023
    Thanks much