Comment from
You have a very interesting chapter. I would change the font size or style on the preview and intro parts. Also, you may want to look over your tags. Overall very nice work.
Although, we aren't even sure if the path is still {there After} all, it has been five centuries since it was was used to transport the monks to the gallows."
-there. After all
I would someday find it coming in{handy." Somara} enlightened the others.
-handy," Somara
Somara {continued. "There} are many theories about why there was such an unusual terracing around this giant hill {they call a tor.}
-Somara continued, "There
- the call a tor."
Cyndy added more {question. "Yet,} the path
-question, "Yet,
"This place is very {old." Mary Jo} concluded
-old," Mary Jo
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Comment Written 20-Sep-2022
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2022
Thank you for your supportive observant review. I've made note of these observations.