True Family contest entry20 total reviews
Comment from Wendy G
You are so original! You maintained the interest throughout with your fine writing. Sending good wishes for your entry in the True Story contest.
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
You are so original! You maintained the interest throughout with your fine writing. Sending good wishes for your entry in the True Story contest.
Comment Written 14-May-2022
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
Thank you for the great review, Wendy. I'll be sending you a pump in a reviewer thumbs up vote. The only part of this that was actually true was the 'Family." That's how I twisted the rules around in my head. Lol. You know this clearly wasn't a true story but I'm also sure you know why I did it. Lol. I just can't believe it made it to the booth but if they can't prove one story isn't true then they can't prove another's isn't either. I'm splitting my 2nd place winnings using pumps to the other three entrants that clearly played by the rules. I did it just to try to beat someone else's farce entry. Rest assured though, if childhood friends keep getting killed off in EVERY true story contest, I had a lot of friend die too. Way more horrifically, of course but hey... Lol.
Have a great rest of your weekend, Wendy.
Thank you very much. Wow that?s very kind.
Your piece should have won.
Ah well. That?s the way the cookie crumbles! I had fun writing it. Lots of comments about punishment methods!
Comment from LJbutterfly
This is the true story of a horrifying, freak accident that no child should experience, and no child should see it. It sounds like an event that would cause nightmares. Your story is flawlessly written, and I understand your sister's decision to never again watch South Park. Best wishes in the contest.
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
This is the true story of a horrifying, freak accident that no child should experience, and no child should see it. It sounds like an event that would cause nightmares. Your story is flawlessly written, and I understand your sister's decision to never again watch South Park. Best wishes in the contest.
Comment Written 14-May-2022
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
Thank you for the great review, LJB. The events were slightly embellished. The truest part of this story is the "family" aspect. I really appreciate the generous stars.
Comment from Harambe Unchained
This is a superb contest entry. There was as much foreshadowing here as there was watching Revenge of the Sith, yet that did not detract from the enjoyment. Your use of certain phrases ought get some people nicely riled up, if they were not already blocking you. Best of luck competing against me in the contest ; )
Without seeing your entry, Harambe would not have known about this contest and been able to enter, so even if Harambe wins, you win too.
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
This is a superb contest entry. There was as much foreshadowing here as there was watching Revenge of the Sith, yet that did not detract from the enjoyment. Your use of certain phrases ought get some people nicely riled up, if they were not already blocking you. Best of luck competing against me in the contest ; )
Without seeing your entry, Harambe would not have known about this contest and been able to enter, so even if Harambe wins, you win too.
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
Oh yeah, I'm blocked all right. Sorry they disqualified your entry. It was great and should have qualified. Other crap flies, like this dumb story along with another clearly farce entry.
I appreciate the big sixer, friend. Thank you. Have a great rest of your weekend.
Comment from joann r romei
This was well written and a sad terrible tragedy, accidents happen all the time, yet no one thinks it can happen to them or someone they know and love, No errors noted.
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
This was well written and a sad terrible tragedy, accidents happen all the time, yet no one thinks it can happen to them or someone they know and love, No errors noted.
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
Thank you for the great review and stars, Joann.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
I can't believe this is true as it is so horrific. It is quite shocking and we never know when our number is up! A tragic scene painted here, a chilling write, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
I can't believe this is true as it is so horrific. It is quite shocking and we never know when our number is up! A tragic scene painted here, a chilling write, love Dolly x
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 15-May-2022
Thank you for the great review, Dolly. The way I interpreted the rules was that only the "family" aspect of it needed to actually be true, judging by another entry. So these events were slightly embellished. She didn't really die this way.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, Dolly.
Comment from LisaMay
Life so often imitates art. Now if you wanted to write a 'real' story that imitated 'real' art, you would have had that innocent child killed by a bear or a snake or a 'gator. (I am surprised you have put such a generous payout on this, so thank you!)
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Life so often imitates art. Now if you wanted to write a 'real' story that imitated 'real' art, you would have had that innocent child killed by a bear or a snake or a 'gator. (I am surprised you have put such a generous payout on this, so thank you!)
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
I have some fake cash built up so I can spare some for a 'real' story. Lol. I think all my stories with my sister have some sort of death that can be intertwined, seeing as how that's the norm, I guess. Thank you for the hilarious review and stars, Lisa.
Comment from Maria Millsaps
Omg, was this a true story??? That is horrific and unpredictable. I have seen several incidents during the Macy's parade, people were injured, but not one was killed. Thanks for sharing. I don't like South Park.
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Omg, was this a true story??? That is horrific and unpredictable. I have seen several incidents during the Macy's parade, people were injured, but not one was killed. Thanks for sharing. I don't like South Park.
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Yeah, not many people do like the dumb show. It's about as true as other stories in the contest are. Thank you for the great review, Maria. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Same to you.
Comment from lancellot
Well, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh, but I did. Sorry Kimberly.
A good story and you told it well. It did include your sister, though if she had been excluded, I don't think the story would change much. Now sure how people view the word, bastards.
Good work.
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Well, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh, but I did. Sorry Kimberly.
A good story and you told it well. It did include your sister, though if she had been excluded, I don't think the story would change much. Now sure how people view the word, bastards.
Good work.
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Lol. Bastard's in the bible. Along with damnation, I don't think it qualifies as a cuss word then. From what I read of the rules, the only part that actually has to be 'real' is the family aspect. Thank you for the great review, Lancllot. I'm glad you had a chuckle at this horrific piece. Haha.
Comment from Earl Corp
Wow! That is quite the tale. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.This would be hilarious if it wasn't a true story. Thank-you for sharing. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Wow! That is quite the tale. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.This would be hilarious if it wasn't a true story. Thank-you for sharing. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
I know, it's tragic...but just as true as some other entries in this contest. Lol. I really appreciate the stars and great review, Earl.
Comment from jessizero
This is a true story? This is awful! It is told well and has a good deal of dark humor, but it is very, very dark. Best wishes to you in all that you do.
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reply by the author on 13-May-2022
This is a true story? This is awful! It is told well and has a good deal of dark humor, but it is very, very dark. Best wishes to you in all that you do.
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Comment Written 13-May-2022
reply by the author on 13-May-2022
Yep, just as real as other 'true' stories in this contest. Lol. Thank you for the great review, Jessi. Yes, it's a rather dark piece, all right. Have yourself a great weekend.