The Third session with RGstar35 total reviews
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hello Terry.
I commend you for taking on such a project as this. You shift the emphasis from your own skilled writing to the writer who may have a different perspective or style from you.
Questions you ask are interesting and do provide an insight into RG Star. You ask questions that enabled him to express himself in regard to his methodology of writing and style.
That is an unusual venture for this site. You did a fine job and I appreciate your efforts in pulling it together and completing it.
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
Hello Terry.
I commend you for taking on such a project as this. You shift the emphasis from your own skilled writing to the writer who may have a different perspective or style from you.
Questions you ask are interesting and do provide an insight into RG Star. You ask questions that enabled him to express himself in regard to his methodology of writing and style.
That is an unusual venture for this site. You did a fine job and I appreciate your efforts in pulling it together and completing it.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
Robert, thank you it was a fun project, and RG was great to work with and enjoyable to read. Terry.
You're welcome, Terry.
Comment from MissMerri
What a wonderful idea, to interview these talented writers and then share with us their methods and patterns. I have learned so much reading this, and have to say I heartily agree with RG's suggestion to get the ideas down, then leave the writing for a while, even up to a day or two. When you come back to it, you see things you hadn't thought of before and the writing will inevitably be much better than if slapped carelessly together. I think anyone who cares about the quality of his work will do this. Thank you, Terry, for this well-written interview, and thanks to RG for sharing so much. MM
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
What a wonderful idea, to interview these talented writers and then share with us their methods and patterns. I have learned so much reading this, and have to say I heartily agree with RG's suggestion to get the ideas down, then leave the writing for a while, even up to a day or two. When you come back to it, you see things you hadn't thought of before and the writing will inevitably be much better than if slapped carelessly together. I think anyone who cares about the quality of his work will do this. Thank you, Terry, for this well-written interview, and thanks to RG for sharing so much. MM
Comment Written 05-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
I am glad you liked it, RG had a lot of suggestion that were helpful. Terry.
Comment from Leann DS
Another very interesting and informative interview. Great questioning. This interview has a lot of really valuable advice and many tips that I can learn from. I appreciate that. Thank you for doing this. Have a great week!
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
Another very interesting and informative interview. Great questioning. This interview has a lot of really valuable advice and many tips that I can learn from. I appreciate that. Thank you for doing this. Have a great week!
Comment Written 05-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2022
Thank you for reading and reviewing, RG did a great job. Terry.
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Thanks for sharing the artwork and the interview, Terry.
-You did a really good job with this and shared something interesting and different on this site, as well as caring about what other people write and why.
-There are so many interesting ideas in this, but one that stands out is
"You are writing poetry. Let it sing, let it cry, let it love, let it be believed."
-I agree with that assessment; I call it coming from the heart.
-I also agree with RG about stepping away from your work, and coming back to it. Often my best idea I was trying hard to create comes as soon as I step away.
-Thanks again for sharing your interviews. I enjoyed them.
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
-Thanks for sharing the artwork and the interview, Terry.
-You did a really good job with this and shared something interesting and different on this site, as well as caring about what other people write and why.
-There are so many interesting ideas in this, but one that stands out is
"You are writing poetry. Let it sing, let it cry, let it love, let it be believed."
-I agree with that assessment; I call it coming from the heart.
-I also agree with RG about stepping away from your work, and coming back to it. Often my best idea I was trying hard to create comes as soon as I step away.
-Thanks again for sharing your interviews. I enjoyed them.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
Pam, thank you for reading, and I do think you picked out a great line from RG's work about let the poetry sing! That is RG writing from the heart. Terry.
You are very welcome, Terry, and I agree with your assessment.
Comment from tfawcus
Well done, Terry. My last six stars of the week go to you for putting this fascinating series together, a great initiative. It's been interesting to learn of RGs approach to the writing of poetry in the last three posts.
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
Well done, Terry. My last six stars of the week go to you for putting this fascinating series together, a great initiative. It's been interesting to learn of RGs approach to the writing of poetry in the last three posts.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
Thank you for the six-star rating! RG is exceptional writer and human being. Terry.
Comment from John Ciarmello
I agree with his concluding sentence. "You deserve every credit." This was a sensational interview as well. He's so humble and gracious. You can certainly tell he holds back nothing and gives his ideas easily and in depth to your piece. I applaud him and you for helping the community with an insight and learning we may not have otherwise had.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
I agree with his concluding sentence. "You deserve every credit." This was a sensational interview as well. He's so humble and gracious. You can certainly tell he holds back nothing and gives his ideas easily and in depth to your piece. I applaud him and you for helping the community with an insight and learning we may not have otherwise had.
Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
John, thank you very much for your kind review, RG was great! Terry
Comment from robyn corum
I'm really pleased you are continuing this series. I am actually sad that this is the last one. --frowny face--
As far as I know, no one has ever done anything like this before (in such an intentional and planned way).
It's good writing, good questions, and good information.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
I'm really pleased you are continuing this series. I am actually sad that this is the last one. --frowny face--
As far as I know, no one has ever done anything like this before (in such an intentional and planned way).
It's good writing, good questions, and good information.
Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
Thank you very much, I am going to put up a postscript in few days and answer some questions folks raised about it. Terry.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This has been a wonderful interview series, Terry, we learned a lot about the three great authors. A lot of what RG has said can also apply to prose, and I've been making lots of notes. I'd admire his poetry, and he has a wonderful sounding voice that makes his poems come alive. Wonder job! :)) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
This has been a wonderful interview series, Terry, we learned a lot about the three great authors. A lot of what RG has said can also apply to prose, and I've been making lots of notes. I'd admire his poetry, and he has a wonderful sounding voice that makes his poems come alive. Wonder job! :)) Sandra xx
Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
Sandra, thank you, and I do think RG is brilliant, and they were all great! Terry.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
Overall, this insight into the mind and method of a genius has been a delight. Now we just need to try and apply what we have read haha! Easier said than done, or we would all be stars!
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
Overall, this insight into the mind and method of a genius has been a delight. Now we just need to try and apply what we have read haha! Easier said than done, or we would all be stars!
Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
Hey, KK Star has a ring to it! You are right, he is brilliant. Thank you for reading and thank you for the six stars! Terry.
Comment from juliaSjames
I congratulate you on this initiative. And kudos to the writers on Fanstory who were so generous with their time in sharing illuminating thoughts and advice.
My personal credo is that the joy of writing is and must be paramount. Yes we can hone our skills in myriad ways. But most of all, I believe we need to allow ourselves to revel in the delight of composition. The urge that wakes us before dawn, the thoughts that compel us to write them down before we rest at night.
Stay safe and blessed
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
I congratulate you on this initiative. And kudos to the writers on Fanstory who were so generous with their time in sharing illuminating thoughts and advice.
My personal credo is that the joy of writing is and must be paramount. Yes we can hone our skills in myriad ways. But most of all, I believe we need to allow ourselves to revel in the delight of composition. The urge that wakes us before dawn, the thoughts that compel us to write them down before we rest at night.
Stay safe and blessed
Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2022
Well said Julia, Thank you for reading the interviews. Terry.