Reviews from

'Twas the Night After Christmas

a parody in rhyming couplets

135 total reviews 
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great modern day take on this classic. I love it when poetry makes one pause and look through another's eyes at circumstances that beg attention.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    Dallas, thank you so very much :-) Merry Christmas :-) Brooke
reply by DALLAS01 on 25-Dec-2013
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Brooke.
Comment from GWinterwin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another great poem Brooke, with words that tell a very true message. So many in need and yet the money that is spent for things we don't even need, and some poor soul somewhere freezing, because they don't have warm clothes to wear. Certainly a message to make one think.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    GWinterwin, that is what bothers me so much, the fact that so many middle class people buy stuff nobody needs nor wants just so they can do the acceptable thing of showing up with a boxed gift. I'm not against giving loved ones stuff they need, but I know from my church's annual clothing sale that some men donate DOZENS of expensive silk ties, DOZENS. They never appreciated them. The people who spent money on them never put thought into buying them. The only happy person is the guy who owns the tie company.
    Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. Brooke
Comment from CR Delport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful poem. This is well written. Christmas is such a magical time. I love the lights and the cheer that goes with it. Thanks for sharing, and Merry Christmas to you and your family, especially the Cute Little One :)

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    CR, thank you so very much :-) And Merry Christmas to you, too :-) Brooke
Comment from mountainwriter49
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, Brooke, this is most wonderful, and it has so touched my heart this eve. The essence of Christmas has shinned brightly through the wondrous words of this well written scribe. Yes, all we trash are such treasures for those without. How dumb-ass we are.

I do have one minor suggestion for you to consider:
His words[,[ how they touched me.
(I really want a comma there!)

Well done, my most talented friend. I'm all out of sixes, so all I can offer you is a Site Five and my highest honor, a six times six plus six.

****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******

Merry Christmas, Brooke

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    a six times six plus six - now that is something worth smiling about. Merry Merry Christmas, dear friend :-) Brooke
Comment from victor 66
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a delightful poem, very cleverly written. It was amusing but much in the Christmas spirit. I really liked your parallel. The word choice is good. You communicate the theme well. A very enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    Victor, thank you so much :-) Brooke
Comment from dennis0530
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Brooke

What marvelous rhyme, rhythm and flow you engineered here.In flashes, I thought I was reading the original T'was The Night Before Christmas. After the fourth stanza, I played a little game guessing the next rhyming word. I got "trashed" after "dashed" and "within" after "bin".

But since this was an "after night" I'll take the homeless man as the opposite of Old Nick who came to bring his own brand of joy. Enigmatic how he made you smile taking things from your trash.

Brings to my mind "One man's trash is another man's gold."
But how amazing it is - our rejects make another happy. In our "use and dispose" society, the "St. Nick" was your "reduce,re-use,recycle" advocate.

And lastly, I'll not tell you called him a "grouch" - but, ouch!

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    Thank you so very much, Dennis :-) Brooke
Comment from mrsmajor
This work has reached the exceptional level

Dear Brooke,
This poem was yours, and a wonderful poem it was...I know it had the idea of the Night Before Christmas, but it shows us how Blessed we are, and we should do as much as possible to make someone else happy..It can take so little.
My family only gives to the children, but I can always find another child to try and make happy....Perhaps Jesus will be pleased, it's what he wants us to do...share!
I really enjoyed this poem, you did such a excellent job writing it, thanks for sharing, only you could do something like this poem...
Have a Wonderful Blessed Holiday!
Big Hugs, and a Smile,

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    Victoria, thank you so very much, my gracious and generous friend, and a very merry Christmas to you :-) Brooke
reply by mrsmajor on 25-Dec-2013

    You're very welcome, it was indeed a pleasure!
Comment from Pili Pubul
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such astounding poem to the rhytmn. of"'twas the night before Christmas" so well written just perfection. Great imagery , perfect rhyme and so real and moving. Merry Christmas...

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2013
    Pili, thank you so very much. Merry Christmas! :-) Brooke
reply by Pili Pubul on 25-Dec-2013
    You are so very welcome. Smiles
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

It may be a parody, but it's a great lesson. At Christmas time it's out with the not-that-old but in with the more expensive or bigger size. Great details in this: My favorite:
The stuff we had tossed without one single thought
for those who had knitted or saved up and bought

That's why I stopped exchanging presents anymore! My daughter-in-law just places her gift list for the whole family on Amazon. com. Me? I don't need anything except a smaller waistline. Sigh...

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2013
    My daughter and I were recently discussing those give-me lists - we have people in our family who are not hurting for money at all, and still they email family members lists of expensive stuff they can so easily afford themselves. Not sentimental desires, not requests for anything meaningful, but lists of STUFF that costs too much money. It leaves us cold, so I'm glad to hear you don't get it either. Thanks so much, my friend. Merry Christmas :-) Brooke
Comment from Preston McWhorter
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Brooke,:-)
I resonate to the flow and rhyme of the this poem. It has excellent rhyme and rhyme scheme. It has good rhythm. The topic is near to my heart and comes as close to exemplifying Christmas spirit as anything I know. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2013
    Merry Christmas, Preston, and thank you for your generous review, my friend :-) Brooke