Comment from
January L'Angelle
Ricky, I like your play on words. You used the words "Shell flourish" instead of "Shall flourish" and did it again with the word "sea" instead of "see"... If this was intentional, it was brilliant. I loved the poems. -January L.
Comment Written 19-May-2020
reply by the author on 19-May-2020
yes my dear and I will write a hundred chapters that book as I go to the beach numerous times and have it completed probably in about by the end of June.
Thanks Miss January!
Comment from
A tribute to nature here Ricky, an appreciated of the blue skies, the sea gulls and the life in general, I enjoyed your positivity and firm belief in nature, much enjoyed, love Dolly x
Comment Written 19-May-2020
reply by the author on 19-May-2020
I actually took some brilliant pictures and videos feeding the seagulls first my breakfast sandwich cuz they were gathering and then I bought a loaf of bread the poor things.
Thanks Dolly!