Viewing comments for Prologue "Forward "Our love story revitalizes the spirit of Valentine
6 total reviews
Comment from lyenochka
As I never was Catholic, I don't quite relate to praying to a Guardian Angel. (Why go to the messenger when you can talk directly to God?) And I was shocked at your father and aunt for the insensitive comments to a child at the funeral. So the most moving part of this post for me was:
"his woman enabled me to cry long-delayed tears and to vent my festering anger against God. "I trusted her with my tears. . ." (p. 4) and, by slow measured steps, I gradually entrusted her with healing my afflicted heart."
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
As I never was Catholic, I don't quite relate to praying to a Guardian Angel. (Why go to the messenger when you can talk directly to God?) And I was shocked at your father and aunt for the insensitive comments to a child at the funeral. So the most moving part of this post for me was:
"his woman enabled me to cry long-delayed tears and to vent my festering anger against God. "I trusted her with my tears. . ." (p. 4) and, by slow measured steps, I gradually entrusted her with healing my afflicted heart."
Comment Written 18-Mar-2020
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
Dear Lyenochka,
Thanks for sharing your own starting point and for identifying the most moving lines. I was tempted to delete these very lines, because they reveal what is going to come later. Now, however, I see that this preview of things to come is an attractive and necessary part of my Forward. Would you agree?
Of course. Good writing includes foreshadowing. Human minds can't keep track of too much detail so it's good to give hints and reveal more later. Just as in poetry, we use repetition and those repeated lines acquire new meaning in the context of later stanzas. Blessings on your efforts!
Comment from royowen
I'm a Christian but not a great believer that prays through an angel, Jesus has always, for me at least, been the advocate, of course He has earned His position, as the Shepherd of God's people, but your story invokes my interest. Well done, your anger is understandable. Well done, blessings, Roy
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
I'm a Christian but not a great believer that prays through an angel, Jesus has always, for me at least, been the advocate, of course He has earned His position, as the Shepherd of God's people, but your story invokes my interest. Well done, your anger is understandable. Well done, blessings, Roy
Comment Written 18-Mar-2020
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
Dear Roy,
Thanks for sharing your own starting point and for identifying with my anger: "your story invokes my interest. Well done, your anger is understandable."
Yes, the blessings are to come,
Never angry at other?s beliefs
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. ~Aaron
Comment from Earl Corp
My wife believes very much in guardian angels and I'm going to share this prayer with her. You piqued my interest enough that I'm going to read chapter one, which was the job the forward was supposed to do. Very nice job.
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
My wife believes very much in guardian angels and I'm going to share this prayer with her. You piqued my interest enough that I'm going to read chapter one, which was the job the forward was supposed to do. Very nice job.
Comment Written 18-Mar-2020
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2020
OK, Earl, I'm going to conclude that my Forward tells just enough to capture your interest. Have I understood you correctly?
If your wife a Catholic? If not, how did it come about that she believes in angels?
Peace and
Your conclusion is dead on. My wife isn'y Catholic and I don't know how she came to believe in Angels.
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. ~Aaron
Comment from Patty Palmer
Very interesting. I will have to watch for your book. How sad you lost your mother at such a young age. I believe we all have a guardian angel who watches over us. I think my guardian angel should get a raise because with me she must work a lot of overtime!
God bless!
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2020
Very interesting. I will have to watch for your book. How sad you lost your mother at such a young age. I believe we all have a guardian angel who watches over us. I think my guardian angel should get a raise because with me she must work a lot of overtime!
God bless!
Comment Written 10-Feb-2020
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2020
My story of loss is just hinted at here. My Angel was to meet this little lost boy and to give him the tears of anger and grief that were denied him forty years earlier. This takes place in Ch3 (which I just posted).
Thanks for your interest,
Comment from K Dono
Wow, this is a powerful piece. I love the line "I trusted her with my tears". To find someone who you can trust with your emotions, especially ones you were told not to show is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2020
Wow, this is a powerful piece. I love the line "I trusted her with my tears". To find someone who you can trust with your emotions, especially ones you were told not to show is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 07-Feb-2020
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2020
Dear K.
I missed the evocative power of that line. But now you allowed me to see it's significance. My dad taught me to suppress my emotions:
text = the little boy whose father had taught him that he should not cry after the funeral because "God put an end to her suffering, and she is now very happy to be with God in heaven."
Chapter 3 will treat this in great detail. Is it a mistake to put this in the Forward? How would you advise me here?
Peace and joy in writing,
In my opinion, I think it is good to have it in the forward. It is a great lead in and a capture point.
PS: I will be uploading two new chapters for the next three days. Your insights are invaluable. Stay with me if you can. ~Aaron
Will do, I will definitely check in
Comment from Bill Pinder
So here's some more background information about what led to the appearance of the angel in your life. Thanks for sharing about your mom, and I'm glad you were able to make progress in forgiving God and not blaming him for your mothers death. God always wants to help us, but sometimes we can't see it or receive it. Bill
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2020
So here's some more background information about what led to the appearance of the angel in your life. Thanks for sharing about your mom, and I'm glad you were able to make progress in forgiving God and not blaming him for your mothers death. God always wants to help us, but sometimes we can't see it or receive it. Bill
Comment Written 07-Feb-2020
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2020
Many thanks for your affirmations, Bill P.
How did you respond to the last paragraph? What emotions came up for you? When and why have you used the Guardian Angel Prayer?
text = Even if you were not raised by a Roman Catholic mother as I was, you might want to recite the Guardian Angel Prayer (p. 18) at bedtime during the period when you are reading about our dangerous love story. Who knows? In so doing, you might discover. . . .
As for my anger against God, would you say that it was justified? "By what right could he rob me of the only mother that I had?"
How might I have traced the open conflict of God loving me by assigning a Guardian Angel while my mother's Guardian Angel clearly failed to "protect and guide" her? Notice that I stopped praying to my Guardian Angel at a certain point.
Peace and joy,