Reviews from

Modern Ways

Short Poem - Nine Lines

26 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OH yes. Regret is a bitter fruit. I've been here... well-meaning and somehow never got around to "it"...and then it was too late. I get it's not biographical...but it will resonate will a lot of us. (Should I send this to my kids she said with half a smile?) Sigh... A text is just so far from a hug!

This SHOULD be an ATB!

Hope it is soon!


 Comment Written 10-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jul-2023
    Hi Karen, I find this poem interesting, but I just wrote the poem, Hope, about sending greeting cards vs. a text, etc. I guess I'm the same person today as I was when I wrote this poem--at least I am consistent, and my heart is still in the same place. Thank you for these reviews, dear friend. Xo. M
reply by karenina on 13-Jul-2023
    I was thinking that as I read it! LOL....
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Margaret. This is a very good poem, written well and on an important topic. Family members are terribly important to the elderly and/or infirm. I'll bet many DO regret not devoting more time. Marilyn

 Comment Written 30-May-2018

reply by the author on 30-May-2018
    Hello BeasPeas, thank you for reviewing Modern Ways and for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate the time spent. LateBloomer
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written poem that is so full of the truth. You used very good words and beautiful art work. It all went together so well. We are blessed to have three sons that stay in touch quite often! I enjoyed this very much! love, Teri

 Comment Written 05-May-2018

reply by the author on 09-May-2018
    Hello Teri7, thank you for your great review and for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your continued support and loyalty. LateBloomer
Comment from Eternal Muse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's the disease of the century - text messages! Internet, Facebook, tablets replaced love, affection, humanity and humanitarism. These poor elderly people are neglected by their children who send them messages on Facebook! This is a very sad tale. People should be humane above all - some have to completely reshuffle their values.

 Comment Written 05-May-2018

reply by the author on 09-May-2018
    Hello ytbard, thank you for your great review and for sharing your thoughts, especially "It's the disease of the century". Amen, you've said it all. I truly appreciate the time spent. Stop by my writing pad again. LateBloomer
Comment from Harry Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful picture selection for this very short poem that is loaded with imagery and filled with lots and lots of emotions. The reader enjoyed.

 Comment Written 04-May-2018

reply by the author on 04-May-2018
    Hello Harry Smith, thank you for your great review and for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate the time spent. LateBloomer
Comment from Shirley E Kennedy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautifully presented poem with so much truth in the words.
Time passes in nano seconds and years pass so quickly.
Such sage advice- show love, support and compassion to the elders in your life
because... one day you will not be able to.

 Comment Written 03-May-2018

reply by the author on 04-May-2018
    Hello saken58, thank you for your great review and for understanding the essence of this poem. I truly appreciate the time spent. LateBloomer
Comment from Phillip C Kuhn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a heartfelt observation that speaks truth, it wears beautifully written and I know a lot of people think like this with a certain vail of regret that hangs over them, good job

 Comment Written 03-May-2018

reply by the author on 04-May-2018
    Hello Phillip C Kuhn, thank you for the great review and for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate the time spent. LateBloomer
Comment from Air Spirit
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A moving and honest accounting of how we have a tendency in our society, to ignore the old people, because of our own self-interest or tendency to be preoccupied with the pretty, young and rich.. and it takes so little, to give so much.. I saw first hand, how one brother of mine, ignored my parents completely in their old age.. and yet was the first to complain about life's injustices through their hand.. how quickly we forget, how they gave up their lives for us, so often had to turn their back on their own needs and desires - to so many, tender care, respect and kindness should be a non-issue.. but sadly, it is..

 Comment Written 03-May-2018

reply by the author on 04-May-2018
    Hello Air Spirit, thank you for your great review and for understanding the essence of this poem. Of special note ... how quickly we forget, how they gave up their lives for us, so often had to turn their back on their own needs and desires. Once again, thank you. I truly appreciate the time spent. LateBloomer
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We all need to slow down. Then maybe death would come more slowly too.
It is sad the texting has replaced talking at most times.

Keep writing


 Comment Written 03-May-2018

reply by the author on 03-May-2018
    Hello dragonpoet, thank you for your great review and for sharing your insight, especially ... "Then maybe death would come more slowly too" A thought-provoking review. Once again, thank you for your great review and for stopping by my writing pad. LateBloomer
reply by dragonpoet on 04-May-2018
    No problem, Late Bloomer.

Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sure they did Margaret. This texting is bad! All you see anymore is people texting. Setting, walking Driving?
I don't have testing on my phone. If they want to contact me they had better call or come see me. Thought provoking poem. What's to become of this world? Well said dear. Nancy

 Comment Written 03-May-2018

reply by the author on 03-May-2018
    Nancy, thank you for your wonderful review and for sharing your thoughts. Texting has become so out of control that people while at social occasions have there heads looking downward at their hand instead of at the people at hand. Unbelievable. A year or two ago, I was invited to a birthday dinner. I was at the end of the table and talking to the people around me. When I looked down the table, half of the remainder of the table had their head looking downward at their hand. This was a group of about 20 people. Again, unbelievable. I should have taken a picture. Once again, thank you for stopping by my writing pad. LateBloomer