Reviews from


Cradling Grandson Memory

38 total reviews 
Comment from amanda98653
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a beautiful poem, Nancy. Very sad too.

The repetition of the word "no" in "No reversals in time, no resurrections--no miracles. Can't go back to what it was--no fairy tales. " is extremely effective in conveying a voice of despair.

These lines are so beautiful and heartbreaking:

"Grandma, be still...
slow down, sniff in these sunsets
And you will find me"

Definitely exceptional


 Comment Written 18-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2015
    Thank you dear woman-child. Amazing perceptions for a 18-year old. Keep on writing.
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Amada. I don't often review work that only pays two cents but in your case, the read was worth it and you are such a good fan. I love the feel of this

"And a swift sound comes straight into my inner ear--
The one linking my heart to the throbbing in my throat
As I hear a whisper in his unique childlike, grown-up voice:
"Grandma, be still..."

Great writing. Bob

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2015
    Thank you for reading my work, great it was worthy. :-)
reply by Mastery on 18-Jun-2015
    I am hoping you took my remarks as they were intended, amada. It's simply a fact...there is generally no way a person on here can accumulate member dollars reviewing 2 cent postings. I hope you were not insulted?? Worthy? I did not mean it that way at all. Blessings, Bob
Comment from petalangela
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

No one can relate fully to your grief my twin grandsons died after two weeks. I often think of them growing up. They would be 21 this year.
My heart reaches out to you and I know the sorrow
Your poem is beautiful it has a sad acceptance of yesteryear of losing a grandson you heldcdearb

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2015
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Those grandsons, two angels now, they guard over you. Just like my grandson. Hugs.
Comment from honeytree
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved the art work here very much
The words are very true and powerful ones
About life and memory.
Our lives can be up and down, how do we cope?
We can be happy and sad we can love give or hate
Our lives do come to an end.

Honey tree

I have no six left

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2015
    Thank you for your comments and for the virtual six.
reply by honeytree on 18-Jun-2015
    Great words

Comment from Bryana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My dear friend,
You've written a beautiful poem, rather sad
but I understand. I love these lines...
My porch, a perfect site to guard memories.
as fresh radiance filters from a ray of slow sunshine.


 Comment Written 17-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2015
    Thank you, you know.
Comment from CMac2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An enjoyable read although sorrowful. I loved your words 'breathing in at sundown'. Almost like breathing in memories at the end of the day. Beautifully written and an enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2015
    Thank you for reading my work.
Comment from Linda Kay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the imagery of sundown being a time to pull in these memories and savor them. It is sort of counterpoint to the traditional image of the opposite time- sunrise representing a new start and possibilities each day. At sundown, instead you are reflecting and guarding memories.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 26-Jun-2015
    Thank you for reading and commenting in this work.
Comment from Glasstruth
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We can't go back, but only learn and enjoy from where we were. Memories are special. Just imagine life without it. Wouldn't be worth it. Like how the sun represents time like a clock, instead of ticking, it rises and goes down. Nice alliteration of S words in "slow down, sniff in these sunsets" Great job! Les

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2015
    Thank you for reading my work.
Comment from dmt1967
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the way this poem ends and how the poet builds up to it. The yellow background makes the poem stand out, and the picture suits the tone of the poem very well. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2015
    Thank you for reading my work.
Comment from TAB_that's me
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

oh my, you lost your grandson? how sad. I like your poem and how you see him in the sunsets - breathing him in:)

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2015
    Thank you Teresa for for reading and feeling my words.