Reviews from

Ducks Dogs and Dad

The Secret Society of Hunters

5 total reviews 
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what a great story! My father used to hunt, too, although I can't remember anything but one duck he ever brought home. My mother told me that he was one of the world's best shots, but that he just couldn't kill anything cute. I loved your relationship with Lady, and it's so terrible about her tragic end.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2015
    Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your interest and reviewing this writing. I think of Lady, especially now. My daughter just brought home a puppy. She has three boys and the dog has a lot of Lady's traits. He is a mixed breed. Very gentle. Thank you again. Kathy
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 22-Mar-2015
    My dog I always compare others to was a poodle named Buffy.
Comment from Eric1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Happykat, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your brilliant story about the opening of the duck season.
It is beautifully written and presented, i am not much for the killing of wildlife, but we all have to live, over here in Scotland, we have the Grouse season which is similar.
You must have been heartbroken on the death of your lovely pet Lady, I know I would have been!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful homely story my friend.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2015
    Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. I really had a hard time with her death. It was difficult to understand how they thought that was fun. She was about three years old. I was so grateful to my Dad for no letting go out. He told me she was still alive when he found her. There wasn't a vet in our town, so he had to put her down. It was very difficult for him. Thank for reading and your review. It's greatly appreciated. Kathy.

reply by Eric1 on 23-Mar-2015
    That is so sad Kathy.
Comment from lcmadsen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The story is delightful and one that many from rural areas can appreciate. The story would be even better if the reader was not interrupted with more mechanics from improper capitalizations to the simple use of commas. Sentence structure is weak as the result of poor punctuation. Also, watch verb tenses, especially present and past tenses. When you improve the structural problems in your stories, the writing will soar. Keep at it.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2015
    Thank you for taking the time to read and review my work. I appreciate your input and I will learn. Thank you again.
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a delightful post, Happykat. You write with such a conversational style spiced with humor and warmth.

Each hunter would scope out a spot, get their gear and dog [EACH hunter would ... get HIS gear ...]

lay them at the feet of the great white hunter. [Funny!]

I totally understood why my Dad won't do it. [...why my Dad WOUDN'T do it...>> don't mix present with past tense.]

Great job!

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2015
    I am glad you enjoyed the story. I also appreciate you reconstructive criticism. I will learn. I read my work and reread it, but usually in the space of an hour or two. I have not written for many years. I get to anxious and I must slow down. Hopefully, I will improve the work. Thank you again. Kathy
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hahahaha - this is very entertaining -( I think "it's a dirty trick" too, BTW). The pacing is wonderful, the narrative voice strong and the outrage and bits of humour peppered throughout make it a joy to read. (LOL - "I understand why Dad won't do it." HAHAHA)

1) first - "brother" is not capitalized
2) next - the use of ellipses will get a manuscript trashed faster than the Energizer Bunny beats its drum. Publishers' editors feel either the writer is lazy or incapable - that's information I share, not my opinion (*smile*)
3) "...pluck(ed) the feathers..." - add 'ed' to pluck and omit 'off' - redundant
4) "I went downstair(s)..."
5) "I learned later..." - spelling (you have latter)
6) This one is a weakness for me, too, but a publisher's editor took the dreaded red pen to something I submitted, and told me that exclamation marks should only be used for very short sentences, like, "Stop!" or "Watch out!"

I was fascinated and entertained from start to finish, and what a finish - so sad, especially for dog-lovers. Lady sounds like she was a wonderful pet. :)

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2015
    Thank you. Thank you. I so appreciate your input. I will take it to heart. Thank you for the heads up in regards to how publishers look at certain issues. I will learn. May I ask, and you don't have to answer, but how does one know if a book is any good. I have written a children's book, had someone correct grammar and punctuation, others like the story,yet I am not sure what to do now. Although I was given the web site for children's book site. I would tell you the name but I am on my Kindle not my.Computer. I just wondered how you started. Thank you again.