Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 41 "More Than Words"

15 total reviews 
Comment from Diny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Luv you back!

Hey did you take that picture?
I mean really good
and I couls see the lips in many different lights

Your words as always were flawless
THis was great...

The content was strong
More than mere words

Write on dear one!

 Comment Written 30-Aug-2005

Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Whew! Jewell strikes again. I absolutely love the erotic picture you have chosen to go with this, kiddo. Love it.. The poem has got a secretive sound to it...a get away and play sound...LOL Great , as usual...Bob

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from bayley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice balance of the affect of words on the heart and soul. Both ends of the spectrum are examined and the underlying impression is that the familiarity of certain words can always be a comfort. Perhaps the sense of doubt is bubbling under as well. There seems to be that element there. Altogether very effective. Well done ~Sean

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from Marillion
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Three very powerful words, my friend, and three words that can end up causing a lot of pain, too, when spoken in haste and not with true feeling. I like the care you treat them with.

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from Salad Shooter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice. This is a great rendition of, "I know from experience that I should not trust your promises, but I am falling for them anyway!" Of course, you said it much better than that... and that's why there are five stars attached to this review... and perhaps there are a few more-- in your eyes. Isn't love grand? (Irrational, but wonderful.)

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from Pili Pubul
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another great inspiration and astounding expression from your heart, those words can be deceptive, causing much pain, or can mean total fulfillment and joy. Beautiful !

"In this short letter
of adoration
I can't help but try
to read between the
very short lines which
beseech my heart


 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from Dreamdancer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Miss J,
Another Ahhhhhh.. piece! This is beautifully written-- The words are heart felt and seem to flow straight from a wonderful soul full of loving emotions. I do so enjoy your writing and look forward to each piece. Thanks for sharing! Buddy

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from EmileJP
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice poem that says the message is there between the lines and takes a caring soul to release and intrepid the emotions submerged but not absent from his thoughts. Well penned with plenty of emotion and a glimpse at your heart once more....or am I reading between the lines again?

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from shelley kaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

as i was reading this
i couldnt help "hearing" the song with the same title lol :-P
very nicely done
words are very powerful... "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words hurt even more."
(or make you feel totally great!!)

thanks for sharing :-)

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005

Comment from sengwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very true fact that " I love you" a very compulsory and essential short sorted out line of life when two hearts join together. But more often than not as a result all parts done finally when someone does not find any iota of truth in that. Frustration cast the finders mind while the lier flies free.

You've composed your lines to follow your realization of this common feigning and we the readers uses your lines as ladder to reach there.


 Comment Written 29-Aug-2005