Ode To Khadijah
Honors Khadijah and her role as The Prophet's wife39 total reviews
Comment from babylonia
great job with this one and i love the lesson in the author's notes. not many people know the history. the poem is beautiful. easy to read and follow. imagery is excellent. good luck~
reply by the author on 03-Jan-2011
great job with this one and i love the lesson in the author's notes. not many people know the history. the poem is beautiful. easy to read and follow. imagery is excellent. good luck~
Comment Written 03-Jan-2011
reply by the author on 03-Jan-2011
Thank you or the great review.
you are welcome~
you are welcome~
Comment from Jeanie Mercer
The poem tells an interesting story with which I was unfamiliar. I appreciate your technical expertise in following the strict ode form in this poem. The notes are interesting and informative. Good luck to you, Jeanie Mercer
reply by the author on 02-Jan-2011
The poem tells an interesting story with which I was unfamiliar. I appreciate your technical expertise in following the strict ode form in this poem. The notes are interesting and informative. Good luck to you, Jeanie Mercer
Comment Written 02-Jan-2011
reply by the author on 02-Jan-2011
Thank you for the nice review.
Comment from Anti-Theist
I have just recently finished doing a great deal of reading on the life of Muhammad and the origins of Islam. The weird thing is, I recognized all of the names on this contest entry list and could have named several more. I momentarily thought about signing up for the contest, but then I read this. I am no poet, so I shouldn't even try to compete with this. Arabs are lovers of words, and, although this is in English, I think many of them would appreciate this.
reply by the author on 26-Dec-2010
I have just recently finished doing a great deal of reading on the life of Muhammad and the origins of Islam. The weird thing is, I recognized all of the names on this contest entry list and could have named several more. I momentarily thought about signing up for the contest, but then I read this. I am no poet, so I shouldn't even try to compete with this. Arabs are lovers of words, and, although this is in English, I think many of them would appreciate this.
Comment Written 26-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 26-Dec-2010
I notice that you have posted no writing in FanStory. Your user name is Anti-Theist. I take it that you are an atheist or some variety thereof. Thank you for the review. Anti means against. So Anti-Theist would be against anyone who believes in God. Most atheists are simply against the common beliefs, not against truth as such. The most significant name of Allah found in the Qur'an is Al Haqq. That means The Truth. Allah, means 'That which is'. It is a close approximation to what is found in the Bible that Moses was to tell the Children of Israel that God is. "I am that I am." which means 'I am what I am' or 'that which is'. It also has the meaning of 'I am my own reason for being.' God on that transcendent level is not comprehensive to most people who deal with ordinary things and events. It is a philosophic God who is because 'he' is. Man cannot know the essence of God, so a parable of the light is the vehicle to reach the mind of man. That is the theme of my poem beyond praise of the wife of The Prophet. Thank you again for reviewing it.
Comment from Colette
I am spiritual, and that piece really touched and impressed me.
I am not going to pretend I know a lot about poetry or religion
to be honest, but I know I will read this many more times.
Thank you for sharing this with me.
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
I am spiritual, and that piece really touched and impressed me.
I am not going to pretend I know a lot about poetry or religion
to be honest, but I know I will read this many more times.
Thank you for sharing this with me.
Comment Written 18-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
Unfortunately few see the significance of the Divine Creator as anything more than a ritual, a dogmatic faith for public show. The essence of Islam as presented in the Qur'an leads to peace and understanding for those who allow themselves to be so guided. Other religious communities need also more than a public display of faith. Islam has the five pillars of the faith, but they are supports. The essence of belief is the pillar of the faith that cannot be broken.
Thank you for your wonderful review.
Comment from dportwood
The quatrain format and abab rhyming pattern make this an easy-reading, enjoyable poem. You have written a most worthy contest entry. Good luck.
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
The quatrain format and abab rhyming pattern make this an easy-reading, enjoyable poem. You have written a most worthy contest entry. Good luck.
Comment Written 18-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
Thank you for the review.
Comment from Herb
Ive read this before on your home page. I liked it then abd i still like it know the repetion is brilliant. Some of the more obscure religious overtones are sadly probably lost on me.
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
Ive read this before on your home page. I liked it then abd i still like it know the repetion is brilliant. Some of the more obscure religious overtones are sadly probably lost on me.
Comment Written 18-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
The appeal of Islam is to the personal belief, not an induced or convenient faith. The public display is hard enough, but conversion or embrace of Islam is between the believer and God with no human intervention.
Comment from bcorn17
The artwork has added to the beauty of the poem. The characterization of Khadijah is brought out very well. 'Allah guides unto His light , him that wills' sentiment is the truth . The willingness when evolved within uplifts the devotee to a new height of devotion. I liked the stanza 'God is Truth and Light of Reason' and 'come, you too can know the Light'. This helps every one to come forward and realize the
essence of almighty themselves. Wonderful poetry.
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
The artwork has added to the beauty of the poem. The characterization of Khadijah is brought out very well. 'Allah guides unto His light , him that wills' sentiment is the truth . The willingness when evolved within uplifts the devotee to a new height of devotion. I liked the stanza 'God is Truth and Light of Reason' and 'come, you too can know the Light'. This helps every one to come forward and realize the
essence of almighty themselves. Wonderful poetry.
Comment Written 18-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
Thank you for the wonderful review.
Comment from stephenie khan
I really loved your poem...I am Muslim myself...and this poem really shows the devotion that Khadija gave to our Beloved Prophet (pbuh) I am entering the contest but I could never write this well...I congratulate you...I read the poem to my husband and he loved it as well...Really nice...I congratulate you...I bookmarked your poem..very impressed..salam steffy
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
I really loved your poem...I am Muslim myself...and this poem really shows the devotion that Khadija gave to our Beloved Prophet (pbuh) I am entering the contest but I could never write this well...I congratulate you...I read the poem to my husband and he loved it as well...Really nice...I congratulate you...I bookmarked your poem..very impressed..salam steffy
Comment Written 17-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2010
Thank you so much. You are so kind. And to you and your husband, salaam.
Comment from Perp Ihebom
I like this piece of religious poetry mainly because it enlightens me on the faith of islam. I find such writings interesting because they help me understand why people behave the way they do. kudos
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2010
I like this piece of religious poetry mainly because it enlightens me on the faith of islam. I find such writings interesting because they help me understand why people behave the way they do. kudos
Comment Written 15-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2010
Bless you. So few can understand what holds them to their faith. For me it is truth, and for others it is a myth. But each person of faith has something to hold one to their belief. Ideally, we would all hold truth higher than any myth or false belief. Thank you for this review.
Comment from sidone
im not a muslim but im proud,your poem speak loud keep up the good work,a pleasure to read,nuff blessing and good luck,the word are strong
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2010
im not a muslim but im proud,your poem speak loud keep up the good work,a pleasure to read,nuff blessing and good luck,the word are strong
Comment Written 15-Dec-2010
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2010
We need not all be Muslim, but we should all acknowledge Truth of One God. To truly believe in One God, is to be muslim, (lower case as a statement of reference). The word, 'muslim' simply means in Arabic, '...one who believes in one God...' It is not another name for 'terrorist' as some non-muslim believe.
you are right,it got nothing to do with terrorist,why do people think that all muslim are terroist i dont, sorry if i made u think that,one god with many folllowers blessing