Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 45 "The Key To Love"

31 total reviews 
Comment from kassey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful theme. true so true, how can we love unless we love ourselves and that is a gift from God. I hope you have got there to find your love. the rhyming was perfect. Kay

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2008
    Thank you Kay.
Comment from diane24
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi. Is this visual yours? I know you're capable of it being and am just wondering. It is quite remarkable as is the poem as a whole. You are my talented friend. I'm glad. diane

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2008
    Thank you dear sweet, diane!
Comment from Graceheart
This work has reached the exceptional level

You have nailed the truth about what makes love work...You must first have a respect and thought for yourself...Love...then you must have that smae fever in thought and respect for the one your heart yearns for...Once that happens you will display those with emotions, affections, and passions towards that soul! You have depicted that with beautiful and touching images as only you can! WOWWEE! Read this one several times, wish I could give it more stars...Moved me ever so softly, ever so deeply!!!

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 27-Jan-2008
    I was surprised by the resonses to this poem, Heart. I thank you for the six star review. I read it over and over as well. It's one of those that flowed so quickly, as if my spirit wrote it for me.
Comment from jlgtiger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah!!!!!!!!! You are on the right track on this one. We must first empty ourselves of all esteemed self worth, and have a vessel that is can be filled by the wisdom and love of God. It is only then that God, in his plan, can use us in his service. That is when we can love others with truth and purity, so matter how good or bad they are.

The work flows smoothly, uses words that define the emotions of the writer, and lend a good picture to the reader of what true love really is.

Excellent write, and a pleasure to read. Regards, Jerry

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2008
    Hi Jerry!!!!!! :-)
    I surely appreciate your wonderful, possitive strokes. I love it when what I say hits home, to the spirit and soul of the reader. I see it's gotten some great responses and am frankly surprised. But you, my friend are such an encourager. God bless you!
Comment from Resident_Truth
This work has reached the exceptional level

Excellent poem.

It has been a pleasure to read and review your work as well as promote it. I hope one day to see your work in print and wish you all the luck in your endeavors.

I have decided to post one last poem on fanstory before I make my exit. Although my membership is still active I find this is a distraction to my real life ambitions and will be leaving the site in a few short weeks.

Forever I will always be

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2008
    Thank you so very much, Den. I appreciate your help and encouragement. One day, I will be in print, indeed. It is a matter of which publisher and all the legistics. Any suggestions?
Comment from mtngalofnc
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi VP,
You are truly gifted and this poem is beautiful. I read it several times and enjoyed it so much. Your rhyme and flow are excellent and your meaning very clear. I wish I had a 6 it would be yours. The art and color scheme are well chosen and makes a wonderful presentation. A pleasure to read and review. Thank you for sharing this. God bless and best wishes!


 Comment Written 25-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2008
    I see this has gotten more response than I thought it ever would. I guess universal ephiany works that way, eh? :-D
    Thank you for such a posstive review. I apprciate your constant support.
Comment from cecil
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good poem.
Solid quatarin verse structured format.
Good aabb rhyming scheme.
Flowed very easily in it's read.
The love of self must come first before you can give it freely to others and it comes through in the write!

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2008
    Thank you!
Comment from jeana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved your poem It is touching to envision through your descriptive passages. The messages that one must love themself first is so very true and often over looked. This is an outstanding poem. jeana

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2008
    Thanks so much.
Comment from Louanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very fine work. I am glad I found this as I think you will appreciate the poem that is under my characature. Just click the title of any poem in my portfolio to see it.

I found just a few places where the meter in your great write is off the iambic tetrameter a bit:

Before my eyes I saw a door
WHICH opened wide above the shore.
It glistened in reflections bright
And from it poured revealing light.

I heard a voice so loud and clear,
Reminding me that love was near;
"It's not from man you'll find release,
BUT love will come when you find peace."

This peace will pour out from my heart,
A love for me will be the start.
I first must love myself discreetly,
To love ANOTHER SOUL completely.

I capped the words to point them out. The edited lines were the only ones that lost the meter. In the last two lines of the
V6, the extra syllable works since it is unstressed.

Good luck with this. You did a great job! Hope you will like my "The Circle Closes".

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2008
    Heeey stranger! Thanks for the help. Do you have suggestions? I am not sure about "Another soul" and what is wrong there?
    I really appreciate you! Good to see ya my friend.
reply by Louanne on 26-Jan-2008
    Sorry to be late in responding. You may choose other words there, of course. I was just wanting something to replace 'human', which has the stress on the first syllable, thus losing the iambic meter.

    I FIRST must LOVE mySELF disCREETly, (iambic tetrameter)
    To LOVE HUman KIND comPLETEly. (this line, however, has two stressed in a row)

    as opposed to

    To LOVE anOTHer SOUL comPLETEly (iambic, as with all your other lines)

    I hope this helps!

reply by Louanne on 26-Jan-2008
    Sorry to be late in responding. You may choose other words there, of course. I was just wanting something to replace 'human', which has the stress on the first syllable, thus losing the iambic meter.

    I FIRST must LOVE mySELF disCREETly, (iambic tetrameter)
    To LOVE HUman KIND comPLETEly. (this line, however, has two stressed in a row)

    as opposed to

    To LOVE anOTHer SOUL comPLETEly (iambic, as with all your other lines)

    I hope this helps!

    By the way, who are you? And did you see the parallel between your poem here and mine?

    (One artist had this idea of me. My kind o' guy!)

    The Circle Closes

    I searched for love my whole life through,
    I wandered here and there.
    I found so many wondrous things;
    Shared beauty everywhere.

    But, oh, what joy when I found love
    Right here inside of me.
    What bliss it is to be at home,
    In love, at last, with me.

Comment from Susan E. Pennycuff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

outstanding rhythm and rhyme and a pure pleasure to read.
I guess there is nothing to critique here but I have no choice but to babble along because I know that little note is going to come up telling me to write more... when a piece is great, there just isn't anything to say but that it is great! This one is GREAT!

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2008

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2008
    Ha you do the same thing I do when that little warning pops up. I hate that. But you know it does nip another problem in the we take the good with the bad eh? Good to see you here. Thanks.
reply by Susan E. Pennycuff on 25-Jan-2008
    It doesn't really nip any problems cause they still just copy and paste half of our poem and go on their way, so they still get around it .... lmbo, but is okay, to each his own, they have to live with themselves, thank goodness I don't have to live with anyone but me, that in itself is a job and a half .. roflmbo