Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 60 "Escape"

15 total reviews 
Comment from Janilou
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Carefully please
Place me gently
On a cruise ship
Designed for two

Perhaps maybe
A life raft
For one

This is such a beautiful poem. Just what I needed to read this morning.
Very well done. I cannot fault it.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2007

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2007
    Thank you Jan. It's really great to hear from you.
Comment from danielg29
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved it as usual. You use such powerful words that paint such vivid pictures. Loved the change of heart from cruise ship for two to life raft for one. Very clever.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2007

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2007
    Hi Daniel. thanks for the great review.
Comment from Diny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Funny at the end life raft- or cruise ship I have a feeling smooth sailing is within your reach soon! Remember to thank and think be positive and project good thoughts and good will be givin back to you- Also Ask believe and you will recieve, KNOW that you are worth it! hugs dear one- DINY

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2007

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2007
    I sure hope it is. ALways project good thoughts....I'd rather dwell on the possitive. It IS A STRUGGLE LATELY THOUGH. Thank you
Comment from Ronni
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem has such an effusively entreating enthusiasm,
one feel like they are truly floating on "hope's" life-raft,
melodiously cascading upon the sea waves. It invites
faith grandeur like a signal beacon, seeking rescue
yet without the fright or fear, but rather calm resolve
and courageous spirit. The flow is so inviting and
gracious in presentation and conveyence. Fantastic
write indeed.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2007

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2007
    I hear the song "Rescue me" LOL
    Thanks for the vivacious review.
Comment from expired: Lily
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful tranquil presentation. You have a gift for matching colr schemes and photos to words. Perhaps a career with Blue Mountain or Hallmark.

Still praying for lots of customers in need of hair help :)

Hang in there, Jewell!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

Comment from Shimmerbliss
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, yes, quite possibly a life raft for one might be much safer indeed. You tickle my curiousity with this poem. On the one hand, how beautiful to be "cruising" with that special someone, yet, on the other, you might prefer - just maybe - the solitude and company of yourself alone.
Hmmm - yes.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

Comment from sengwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Good feelings of an appealing outburst. You express here an ecstasy of being in a phase of well imagined uplifting of your soul, a joyous song of getting mingled with the nature and its sublime beauty.

Nice and appealing poem.

Enjoyed the theme and your way of expression is pretty good.
"Carefully please
Place me gently
On a cruise ship
Designed for two

Perhaps maybe
A life raft
For one "

Thank you for sharing.

Gautam :)

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

Comment from G.B. Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Perhaps maybe
A life raft
For one
This can be very lonely, but it sure as hell is safe. You are such a gifted woman. I think you are tops

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

Comment from LarkSong
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi ya' JJ--Love this...Beautiful, sincere and sensitive little write, with a lovely sense of vulnerability to it...The seas, the water, are such great images both for cleansing/healing and for "taking one away" if only temporarily, to offer solace and respite. I wish for you all of this, and more.


 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

Comment from jlgtiger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This write is filled with the feeling of the writer and the words express the emotion eloquently, Jewell. No work ever stood on its own without such an undercurrent. The poem draws the reader's attention quickly and allows them to feel the desperation.

Good write and well crafted. Regards, Jerry

PS ... the work I promised you may require some patience to read, but I will attempt to render it today.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2007

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2007
    Thank you Jerry. I enjoyed your "undercurrent" line. :)