Reviews from


Write A Senryu contest entry

4 total reviews 
Comment from bonespur
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This seems like a good candidate for the contest. The right choice of words to describe any situation, be it political or not, makes all the difference in the outcome. Good job and good luck. Have a s blessed day

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much. Glad you could appreciate the message.
reply by bonespur on 17-Aug-2024
    You're welcome
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We all need to be able to speak up for our rights. It seems a lot of countries are in the artwork in the photo.
Good luck in the contest.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Have a great day.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2024
    Thank you.
reply by dragonpoet on 17-Aug-2024
    No problem.
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I can see both sides of the coin

Before 1948 Palestine was a territory that was part of Great Britain

So there were Palestinians living on the land that Israel took

The Jews were offered several other venues for their Jewish state. It did not have to be in Palestine.

But the Jews wanted the same historical sites that the Palestinians had had for centuries

Palestinians have been in what is now Israel longer than the Jews

So now you're living peacefully on your land and this other culture comes and takes away your houses takes away your land and you're not supposed to get angry? Really?

OK, so the anger generated there to me is understandable. It takes a big man to have that happen to him and then to to blend in with Israeli society as if nothing happened. Some Palestinians did do that and they live peaceably among Israelis, although they are discriminated against in Israel

On the other hand because of that history Hamas wants to destroy Israel, I can also understand that, even though I don't think it's right to kill Israelis, most of them had nothing to do with what happened

So what's happened Is that
Palestine has become an apartheid state. Part of it is for the good of the Israelis because Palestinians want to kill them.

It was proposed in 1993 in the Oslo Accord that there be a two states solution. In 1967 there was a war, and Israel took some of the territory that Palestinians were living on. There was a war after that which gained Israel more territory.

The two state Solution is to re-create the borders that were there in 1967. In other words, the borders that were there after the 1967 war

The problem, as I see, it is that Israel keeps building settlements on Palestinian territory, and those settlements extend the Israeli territory

International law says it's illegal to build settlements on occupied territory. Israel keeps ignoring this international law and thus is making the two state solution less palatable to the Palestinians.

Natanyahu is trying to grab territory that international laws says he has no right to. and then if the two states solution is ever implemented, Israel becomes bigger and Palestine loses territory

When you have oppressed people, there's a powder keg. at some point.they're going to say we have nothing to lose.

Every country except for the United States has condemned Israel for this practice. It's possible that if the United States would join the rest of the world that Israel would stop building settlements, and there could be a peace process initiated for the two states solution.

The situation the way it is today is intolerable. I believe Israel just should stay within it's borders and not build settlements in Palestinian territory. Then UN negotiators should work with Palestinians to eliminate Hamas in return for having its own state

The way it is now there's going to be constant tension between the two

Another thing is that a lot of the religious sites are desired by both Israel and the Palestinians. So you'd have to figure out a way that both could worship in those sites

Maybe you have to have a passport system where the Palestinians that are peaceful can visit those sites in Israel

I don't think Israel will give one inch about any of the religious sites and I think that is the perpetual problem. They both want those religious sites.

The Jewish state could've been in a lot of other places they were offered land in the Canary Islands and I think Uganda but they wanted those religious sites. And they didn't mind taking them away from the Palestinians.

We see that Israel besides killing adults is just killing a bunch of children in Gaza. I can't see that doing much for the peace process

I've always said that the Israelis have a right to defend themselves. But when they keep encroaching and increasing the size of their state and reducing the size of the Palestinian state, there's bound to be conflict.

I think that the solution is going to have to be that they share the sites even if they have two different states because neither side is going to want those religious sites to be part of the other state. That is where the whole quandary lies

All of the other countries in the world besides the United States have condemned Israel for building these settlements but nothing is ever done

I think it's better for Israel to share these religious sites than to be in constant conflict with the Palestinians

I realized that Israel and the rest of the world would have to vet anyone from Palestine that uses those religious sites. That's where the UN could help.

Very thought-provoking poem

I enjoyed reading your poem

Good job. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2024
    Wow, thank you very much.
Comment from Barry Penfold
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

the right to protest needs to be sanctioned in every country. However, I know that will not happen. Appears to meet contest requirements. thanks for sharing and all the best in the context.
Barry Penfold.

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2024
    Thank you very much!