Reviews from

The Sorrow of a Soldier*s Wife

A very short poem

7 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great picture. Nicely written poem. You can really feel the loneliness pulsing off the page. It is almost like we can hear the rain as we read, well done. Karen :-)

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2024
    Thank you very much, Karen.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 11-Aug-2024
    U R Welcome Karen
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ciao mystery poet, you now have 3 votes.

This is a timely topic with two ugly wars being fought one in Ukraine and one in the Middle East.

Our leaders seek power and they are quick to send men to war.

These men are husbands , sons, brothers and they have loved ones that worry and pray for their safe return.

In Ukraine 400,000 soldiers are now six feet under.. their wives, mothers and sisters have shed many tears.

I would feel like I was living in limbo if the man I loved was a soldier fighting.

I would be able to function normally.

I would be in constant pain, passing my days praying and longing for his return.

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 06-Aug-2024
    Hi, tempeste. "I would feel like I was living in limbo." This is exactly the point I was aiming for when I wrote my poem. How does the wife move on? Many thanks for your comments and your vote.
Comment from Neonewman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is beautifully crafted and an excellent entry for this Lonely poem contest you've entered. Best of luck with the votes, and thank you for sharing.
God bless,

 Comment Written 05-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 05-Aug-2024
    Thank you very much, Steve, for your kind praise of my poem.
reply by Neonewman on 06-Aug-2024
    My pleasure.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem beautifully shares the ache of longing. I could feel the depth of your emotions. Your heartfelt prayer for the loved one's safety adds a touching layer. I thought your poem was a moving and heartfelt.

 Comment Written 05-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 05-Aug-2024
    Michael, I really appreciate your enthusiastic response to my poem. Many thanks for sharing.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The free verse, The Sorrow of a Soldier's Wife, brings the reality of family separation due to deployment to the readers' attention. The home front has a war as well.

 Comment Written 04-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
    Thank you, Bill, for sharing my poem and your comments.
Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I felt the loneliness and sadness so much in this short but beautifully written poem. Just true words from the heart, pen to paper. Capturing the loss of a loved one. Well done and best of luck with the contest!

 Comment Written 04-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
    I am so pleased my short poem touched you, Nicki. Thank you for your kind praise.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If there are theatres of fighting going on, that would be the worst thing for an army wife, my dad fought in WW2, and escaped from Dunkirk at the beginning of the war, my brother was wounded in Vietnam and that might have been worrying for my mum, poignant and emotional, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 04-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
    Thank you very much, Roy, for sharing and responding to my poem.
reply by royowen on 04-Aug-2024