Reviews from

At Home in Mississippi

Viewing comments for Chapter 28 "Family Outings and Planned Trip"
Growing up in the 40 and 50 in MIssissippi

21 total reviews 
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aw Beth, I've read this in reverse order but it doesn't matter. I so enjoyed this installment. You bring us right back to how life was lived back it forties in Mississippi. I so enjoy it. I was born in 1952 in Denmark not knowing I was half American until 2003 when I found both my birth parents. Ulla xxx

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2024
    Did you like your brith parents more that the adopted parents? You seem to have had problems with adopted mother. Thanks for reviewing my story. I'm gla you like it.
reply by Ulla on 30-Jun-2024
    I disliked my adoptive mother profoundly. She was not a nice person. As it turned out she never wanted me. It was my adoptive father who wanted to adopt. We were very close but he became fatally ill when I was fifteen, and died when when I was 17. From there it went downhill with my adoptive mother to the point when I cut her out of my life frome age 35.
    I became really close to my birth mother and birth father. They had never married. Now I'm very close to my brother in Mass. We share the same father. In late August I'm going to visit him and family. I can't wait. We just spoke this afternoon. We usually speak every Sunday. A hug, Ulla xx
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You look lovely in that picture! Of course, Bill Beach could not resist giving you a kiss! I believe that you had the highest IQ - you already showed your mom how quickly you learned things. Yes, I remember your story about the trip to Texas. But I'm sure you'll give us new details if you edit it.

 Comment Written 29-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2024
    Thanks of the review. I was certainly shocked to be kissed in front of the camera but we were likely moving too fast for many to notice. Bill ended up more sussessful than most of the class. He was engineer for NASA. I did some editing but you will find parts of it very much like the original.
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved the reminiscences about the movies, Beth. I felt the same way as you about Fantasia. I still love that movie and bought a DVD of it to show my grandkids. It was terrific animation for its time, and the choice of music and the accompanying animation was so skillfully done.

I also liked how that boy stole a kiss from you and made up a BS story to explain it. This was another delightful chapter in your biography. - Jim

 Comment Written 29-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2024
    Thank you Jim. It is good to know you can still buy that movie and your grandchildren can enjoy it. I the early Walt Disney movies were better than some done today.
reply by Jim Wile on 01-Jul-2024
    I completely agree with that. I loved those earlier Disney movies. Still do.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The movies you mention here have stood the test of time and are still entertaining to this day. Your memories are vivid and going to the Cinema is such a joy. In my town they are building a new Cinema and I cannot wait for its completion because it is literally on my doorstep, so I will have the Theatre and the Movies to watch. I enjoyed your fine historic story Beth, a very entertaining post, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 29-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2024
    Thank you Dolly, So you are a movie fan too. I 'm glad you're getting a theatre so near. I really appreciate the review and comments.
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your story. It brought back memories. The only memory of my going to a movie with my mom was to see Godzilla. My grandmother also put me in the torture of those heat-wave machines. My hair was so heavy, the curls came out almost immediately.
Very entertaining and well-written story.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2024
    Thank you Mary. You're the only one who admits to having hatd the heat-wave perm. I never saw Godzilla but I did see a lot of movies back then. I appreciate the review.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Having friends in your home was the way most of our parents' generation found friendship and entertainment. My husband and I did that a lot too, mostly because our kids were young - our friends' kids were young - and we were all able to get together at once without worrying about babysitters.

Ah, yes, Bambi. We rented the movie on video to watch with my 3-year-old son, and he was horrified at both the fire and the death.

I've seen pictures of those electric curl machines; how long did your curls last?

Thanks for sharing another chapter in your life, Beth.


 Comment Written 28-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2024
    Thank you Pam. My husband an I saw a lot of movies together because we didn't have kids for five years, We did other things like bowling, Archery, visiting parks and museums and doing things with friends. The older generation only did the friend thing. I don't rememeber the curls lasting long but them Mom discovered a cousin who gave Toni home perms. How I hated those.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love those curls in the picture!!
I've seen those perm machines you talked about, but it was in a museum (sorry) and looked horrifying. My hair was always horribly curly, so no need for a perm, or I might have had a similar experience.

I loved the part about your movie your class made and the little boy planting one on your lips. You have to admit, that's often what happens in movies, lol!

I also liked you story about going to see Fantasia and the effect it had on young Beth. And, your father giving your money to go to the movies so he didn't have to watch you. What a dad thing to do, lol.

Thanks for sharing,

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jun-2024
    Thank you Rhonda, I don't know why my mom wanted my hair curly so bad. I was fine with pigtails. I only had a perm with the torture machine once and then there wre the tony home perms. Thanks for a great revies.
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 29-Jun-2024
    My mother would torture my sister with the home perms, lol. She still hates curly hair, beside mine of course, lol.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your writing is lovely. I always enjoy the social and cultural insights you provide. Over here some things were similar . My parents never went to a movie together, or even anywhere together although we did all go to the drive in movies very occasionally. Not a very successful outing with five children who inevitably complained they couldn't see the screen because of some sibling's head being in the way. Thanks for sharing. Very enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2024
    Thank you Wenty. I didn't go to a drive-in until I was dating. I never liked those the sound of thos boxes you hooked to your window to hear the movie. The quality of the sound wasn't great.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aah. The memories. The theaters in Trenton were huge with an orchestra pit and balcony. The curtains were from ceiling to floor and flowed when the newsreel and cartoons came on. Candies I favored were B-o-n-o-m-o
Turkish Taffy and Black Crow gels which were like DOTS but all black. The price of admin was cheap and there were ususally three cartons and a double feature on Saturdays. Well done.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2024
    Thank you Tom, I'm glad my story triggered memories for you as well.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Once I started going to school mom had us all get permanents from her friend Gladys. But the ones that made your hair all lumpy if you didn't roll it every frickin day. Right before high school I told my Mom no more curlers. I went to straight short hair. I call it wash and wear hair. Good writing. karen

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2024
    Most of the time perms didn't last long. Mom french braided my hair until I was in highschool. I got one heat wave but then Mama had a cousin put a lot of Toni perm in my hair. I hated those.