Reviews from

Prison Break

An exercise in guerrilla tactics

4 total reviews 
Comment from Sarah Tummey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not sure I could concentrate enough to write something like this on an aeroplane! The last line was my favourite. I liked the sound of, "Independence likely loomed". I was a bit thrown to start with because I'm never sure whether the title is meant to be the same as the word spelt out in the poem, but obviously yours wasn't and made perfect sense.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Thanks Sarah, glad you enjoyed! Yeah hopefully the silly picture helped allay some of the confusion acrostic word and the title. This was a fun one to write.


Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ciao !

Your entries are always a source of enlightenment.

There was lots going on here.

Alfalfa initially I thought you were referring to the little rascals character but then I punched in the word next to lettuce and I found out it's a leaf fed to rabbits and horses but we can eat it too.. it has many properties: helps cleanse liver, , increases bile flow, fresh sprouts can increase free testosterone levels.

Had no idea what Ali C was referring too so I google and a few of his videos popped up. ... so he fools those he is interviewing into thinking he's a dumb wit. So the joke is on them .. It's entertaining!

So the gorillas escaped

I saw the original" planet of the apes "1968 with Charlton Heston

I remember the simian chaste have the orangutans on top followed by the chimpanzees and last are the gorillas.

These rely more on their brute strength to make their point. Looking at the trailers of these computer generated gorillas it seem the gorillas are more intelligent.

So what are the gorillas representing rebellion ? like when the Capitol was attacked by rioters three years ago?

I love the presentation by the way.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2024
    Haha in this case the gorillas are breaking out rather than in. But perhaps breaking out is just the beginning. I was planning on a more ambitious double 2D acrostic, GORILLA EVOLVING, but found the second part too ambitious to complete in time.

    Even chimpanzees are about 4x stronger than very strong men. As for a gorilla, one can only imagine. I have yet to watch the film you mentioned and will DEFINITELY need to watch it now. Thank you for clueing me in. There is a remake or sequel I think due out this May 10 and I will be doing something epic for that at

    Ali G is actually the same guy who acted in Borat so there is a theme going on that you have picked up on!

reply by tempeste on 03-Mar-2024
    Chimpanzee pets in adulthood are dangerous .. their temperament turns aggressive.

    I read recently of a case where an adult pet chimpanzee ripped off the owners two arms and his face.

    Gorillas are much bigger but I don?t think a silverback would act like that. They are gentle giants and are aggressive only if they perceive a threat towards their family or to defend their territory.

    I enjoyed the 2D challenge, it wasn?t easy .

    I noticed that one entry SPRING even made the last 5 words of the poem spell out SPRING downwards.

    That took the challenge up a notch!

    Did you have something like that in mind for the next 2D contest.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hmm I'm not sure what you meant on the SPRING entry? It was an excellently constructed entry, definitely one of the top ones, but I didn't notice an additional effect with the spelling? Every 2D acrostic had to execute the same spelling of the word on every line. Did I miss something?
reply by tempeste on 03-Mar-2024
    Oopppss sorry the FLOWER entry .. the last words form downward the word FLOWER

    Flowers Lure Onlookers With Enticing Radiant............Scenery
    Landscapes Of Watercolored Ensembles Reveal Sublime...............Flora
    Observations Whet Eye Receptor Siphons Fueling..........................Lustre
    Winsome Enchantment Resonates Splendor, Fragile, lithe..............Ostentation
    Enticing Revelations Seduce Floriferous Landscape outlooks........Wonderfully
    Resplendent Subjects Fuel Lucious Observations With...................Exuberance
    Sensational Fragrances Levitate Olfactories Waxing Enthralling...Relish
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Ah if I understand correctly, that worked out for this entry because the author used a plural word, so the S on the end got pushed to the front. If you picked a plural word for your 2D acrostic you'd get the same effect.
reply by tempeste on 03-Mar-2024
    You need to check out the entry FLOWERS on your PC so each sentence is on one line and not cramped like on your phone .

    I don?t see how the S made it easier.
reply by tempeste on 03-Mar-2024
    Okay I get it .. I see what you mean now

    the S is the key to make it possible to write and read the word FLOWER at the end too.

    Sorry for wasting your time..

    I really need to sleep now , it?s nearly 2.00 am 😝


reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    No worries!

    I think the next level of higher difficulty in these 2D pieces is to add rhymes (extremely difficult, and something I have only attempted once, due to the time it took) or to make the pieces flow more like a continuous story instead of a bunch of profound, disconnected lines (which I always try to do, sometimes more successfully than other times).

    So far I have tried: CAT, DOG, TEST, PUTIN, CENSOR, WEATHER, GORILLA, ACROSTIC. And there have been some very good entries in these contests from other folks. Anything over 6 letters tends to be extremely challenging,
reply by tempeste on 04-Mar-2024

    I just checked out your WEATHER poem.

    Stunning artwork and you did a great job describing extreme winter conditions and on the rhyming.

    Weather is seven letters, I'm not even going to give it a shot.

    I wrote MYTHS a week ago when I wrote HATE but it doesn't rhyme.

    I think 4, max 5 letters is in my grasp.

    I have to find a word and make it rhyme.

    For WEATHER you had aa, bb, cc, a

    If I have a 4 or 5 letters word how will the rhyming scheme be?

    aa,bb for 4 letters

    aa,bb,a for 5 letters
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2024
    I think you could use any rhyming scheme you want. Those acrostics are so damn hard, whatever you can get to work with it works. Both the rhyming schematics you suggest here sound like good ideas. If you did MYTHS, your last line spells out MYTH just like FLOWER, in that other piece we were talking about : )
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem shows rebellion brewing beneath the surface. At least that is how I read it. I love the use of alliteration. This is a creative and unique poem that I enjoyed reading.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2024
    You read right : ) The double L in the"gorilla" acrostic made the challenge all the more rewarding. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the kind words,

Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This acrostic poem, Prison Break, uses the word GORILLA to tell the story of this ape escape that would go along well will the latest iteration of the pre-original storyline for the classic post-apocalyptic evolutionary tale.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2024
    Thanks Bill for the apt description. You are the master of condensing a full review into a single sentence : )