Reviews from

Lair Of The Seductress

Viewing comments for Chapter 4 "Here Comes The Rooster"
Book Four Wolf Bend Series

10 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Dougie! This is going to be a gusher. You do this well. As a voracious reader, I can tell you that you are honoring the genre. No downplaying, no foolish behavior, and no condescension. Great beginnings here. You are fully set up.
"More please," Said Oliver. :-) Karen

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
    Thank you! This one is going to get very interesting very quickly.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 30-Jan-2024
    Don't forget to enter my contest "Let's Kill Karen" Jim did a good one. Have me marry a younger man who tries to kill me with sex. Or something. Pretty, please? Karen
reply by the author on 30-Jan-2024
    Oh?I have much better than that planned for you!
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 30-Jan-2024
    I can't wait. I was volunteering at the zoo. Selling balloons, and a freak breeze carried me away? Suprise me! :-)
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This, with all the banter and back-stabbing, sounds very realistic, Doug, as I would expect from you. The task force is introduced with Greg steering it towards the rather obvious conclusion that the killer is in fact a woman. Some excellent dialogue and great pace to the investigation now. Well done, Doug! Looking forward to your next chapter. Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2024
    Yes, I was on the Oakland County Violent Gang Task Force for a year. The interagency head-butting is very realistic.

    Thank you for a great review, as always. You are one of my favorite people on this sight. It is mostly just because you are awesome.
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 29-Jan-2024
    An absolute pleasure, Doug!
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The agent is a butt hole
The last comment is spot on
Still I doubt Haskins is going to roll over and surrender the reins
The FBI has the assets but red tape aborts
Much progress

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2024
    It has been a constant struggle between the two l, but Greg likes to ?lone wolf? these things. We shall see.
Comment from Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do believe I read this once before and it sounds familiar but I'm a little bit out of the loop.
(considering I haven't had enough time to come back here on fan story).
Anywho, thanks for your chapter and looking forward to when you post something new.
Yes or if this is an addition to what you wrote previously?
I'll have to check back and have a wonderful day Douglas.
Doctor Ricky

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Doc. It is good to see your back! Hope all is well.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was thinking on your profession before you came here Douglas, it would have been an interesting gig with the profession holding partially to logic and to some degree inspired proclivities, I hate murder mysteries on tv, some of the populations of small country towns would have wiped out. I love the shop conversations, not terribly different from the ordinary occupations, just loved it My friend, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Roy! This means a lot to me coming from you! You are such a blessing to me.
reply by royowen on 28-Jan-2024
    Well done
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great chapter as the task force zeros in on Lilith with a little bit of profiling. Nice. I enjoyed their open discussion. She's a step ahead of them though. They better saddle up. Sending you my best today as always, dear D.
Sal xoxo

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2024
    This was very realistic as to conversations and blusterings that I have seen in Task Force meetings in the past. Appreciate your awesome review, Sally!
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice plot movement. Good work.
He acts like a roster marking his territory sometimes. - (rooster)
you got another thing coming. - (think?)
So, Lilith is no pawn...Our killer is a woman." - needs opening quotes
truck stops, and any other seedy places - Kind of comical that the implication is that all truck stops are seedy places
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Wayne! In the LEO world truck stops are very seedy. We busted numerous drug loads at them. I researched the think/thing issue. Think is correct grammar, but thing is widely accepted in the US.
Comment from Julie Helms
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good character development. Very realistic. I certainly hear about these pissing contests going on between departments as a real thing.

A couple suggestions:

1. like a roster marking his territory (rooster)

2.if you think I'm going to let David Harkins brow beat me, you got another thing coming. (The correct idiom is if you think, you've got another THINK coming. However, it has been misquoted so many times, your way has come into common usage)

3. There were about fifteen people standing around (This is not incorrect, but it is in passive voice. To make the statement stronger, get rid of "there were". E.g. About fifteen people stood around...)

I am really enjoying your series. Thank you for sharing! Julie

Edited to add: I forgot to ask, is this a nod to Alice In Chains?

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
    Always a nod to Alice! Thanks for the fixes.
Comment from Wy Jung
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another solid chapter as the story builds. Well written and I can begin to see the characters. I tried hard to find something to improve on in order to leave a balanced review, but I couldn't even find a typo. Well done, as always Douglas.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Wy! I appreciate you taking the time to read.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes, we do know who the real rooster is. LOL Greg at his finest. I do hope he doesn't almost get killed this time, but I'm pretty sure he will, it's
his MO. Love story.

who gave his girlfriend Kelsey a hug. (comma after 'girlfriend,')

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Barbara! As always, you are awesome and extremely helpful!