Reviews from

Don't Say a Word

Contest entry

7 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ouch. Guess he's gotten pretty well skewered for his slip ups and vacant stares of late! Sometimes I wonder just how long he can carry on... Easy to see why this one was the winner!

Poor Joe... He's in way over his head!


 Comment Written 11-May-2022

reply by the author on 11-May-2022
    Lol. Yes, he is. Thank you for the great review, Karenina. We're watching him slowly slipping away. I really appreciate the generous stars, K. I'm glad you liked this silly piece.


reply by karenina on 11-May-2022
    Hey Ron ~ Maybe we're going to learn to stop electing such elderly people.
    Ya think? We can only hope!
reply by karenina on 11-May-2022
    Hey Ron ~ Maybe we're going to learn to stop electing such elderly people.
    Ya think? We can only hope!
reply by the author on 12-May-2022
    Fingers crossed. Lol
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ron, not only is he an embarrassment to
America...the world...he's dangerous...he is nothing
but a puppet for satan's cult...

and his wife...or whatever she can you see
your husband in the shape biden is in...and go along with
publicizing his mental condition...watching people laughing
at his every move...making jokes about him...degrading him...well..I guess for the satans children in the White's all about money...and control...

I love you poem...and CONGRATULATIONS on a well deserved win...the picture had me laughing...very well written my sweet Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 10-May-2022

reply by the author on 11-May-2022
    Thank you for the fantastic review, Linda. Yes, I sure don't think he has the country's best interest at hearth, that's for sure. I guess he thinks all these trillions he wants to blow just magically appear from nowhere. Less than a year and I believe it's time for him to go. I really appreciate the generous stars and congrats. Linda. I'm glad you liked this silly, but sadly true, piece.


reply by l.raven on 11-May-2022
    Ron, biden doesn't have a clue where the
    money is going...or coming from...

    if you watch when he tries to speak...or read...he gets sooooo confused...and he closes his eyes tight...some times rubbing his forehead...

    he walks into walls...and gets lost walking from the front lawn of the White House...a few feet to the White House...he has to be escorted by security...and I believe he's the most intelligent one in the entire by satan's children...

    and what is going on never should have been allowed to get this far...most thinking that America would of had a safety net if something like this was ever either party...

    but I am a strong believer in God...and I do believe this is all in His master plan for us...I believe He wanted people to wake up to what was coming...and that's where President Trump comes in...I believe God is fighting for us...and wants us to fight as well...and in His own time...He will end all this evil...and He will win...God never loses...
    just stay in faith...and trust He knows what He's doing...

    your so welcome my sweet xxoo
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

well, both your good poem and created picture show what's happening, all right. I wouldn't want to be mama Jill, no matter how much she craved the spotlight, because it sure isn't on her! at least, positively. I don't see how she could care for him and let him get in this embarrassing (to say the least) position.
You wrote a strongly felt poem, however, I do think, in the 5th, verse, "slightly" is a misnomer. :)
It is so much fun having other countries either laugh at us or shake their heads at how pathetic and weak we are because of him.
A sad situation.

 Comment Written 08-May-2022

reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    Thank you for the great review, Katharine. This was actually about the government being mama, not Jill. I had the word 'government' written on the back of her shirt but I didn't have it dark enough. Yes, he has us looking pretty weak to everyone, that's for sure. I really appreciate the generous stars, Katharine. I'm glad you liked this silly piece.


reply by pome lover on 10-May-2022
    just looked at it again, and government is clear enough, I just fixated on mama.
    I'm glad we can make jokes about things. It's the good ol American way, but I am truly worried. Have you seen Dinesh D'Souza's Two Thousand Mules? Proof! Proof! Proof!
reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    No. I'll have to look that up. Oh yeah, there's proof everywhere about everything, scandals, lies, poll counts, incompetence, you name it. The media doesn't tell us the truth, just what they want us to hear. The way I think is just be ready and right with the man upstairs. If Putin's close to dead with some kind of cancer, what would he care if he starts the last world war? The stupidity of our leadership sure doesn't help the situation, so all I can do is joke about it. Lol. Thank you again, Katharine.

reply by pome lover on 10-May-2022
    Prayers and positive thoughts for November.
Comment from Quoiky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem was hilarious! I laughed out loud a couple of times. Good work and good use of a classic bursary rhyme. Can ya tell I'm not a Democrat? Poor Creepy Joe.ð???

 Comment Written 08-May-2022

reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    Thank you for the fantastic review, Quoiky. I really appreciate the generous stars. I'm glad you had a chuckle with this silly piece. I hope you have a great day.


Comment from Harambe is ur Daddy
This work has reached the exceptional level

A worthy addition to the contest, with a excellently edited, telltale signature photo whose authorship I'd have instantly recognized even if this contest wasn't blind. Your piece hits Biden's weak points way harder than anything posted in the political forum here, and is more than likely to give my entry a run for its money. Nice work.

 Comment Written 07-May-2022

reply by the author on 08-May-2022
    Thank you for the big sixer and for throwing the contest, friend. I had fun with it. Yeah I'm not hard to spot when it comes the pics I use and crap I write. Lol. I really appreciate it, D. Thanks again.

Comment from LyndaS
This work has reached the exceptional level

I used to sing this song to my kids when they were babies. Not like this, though. lol A very clever use of this lullaby to sing to baby Joey. You make a great point in every stanza. "...deny you ever said them to the press." Brilliant. Your picture is hilarious. Quite the artist. Good luck with this twisted piece. Well done! Lynda

 Comment Written 04-May-2022

reply by the author on 05-May-2022
    Wow, I sure didn't plan on seeing a sixer for this mockery. Lol. There for a while I didn't even think I was going to get my second review. Ha.

    Thank you so much for the awesome review and fantastic rating, Lynda. I'm glad you liked this ridiculous piece. Have yourself a wonderful day.


Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A clever bit of image creation and an inspired parody of the well-known (even on this side of the pond) American lullaby popularised by Burl Ives I believe. I recall hearing him singing it back in the sixties. I did wonder why she alternated between Moma and Mama. If there was a subtle reason, I'm afraid I didn't get it - something to do with being English I expect.

In his second childhood Pal Joey may be but I'd rather him than the alternative - that too might be something to do with being English I suppose.

 Comment Written 04-May-2022

reply by the author on 04-May-2022
    When I looked this up, there were numerous different versions of this. Some of them even had 'Papa' there, so who knows? Lol.

    Thank you for the hilarious review and stars, Pantygynt. Have yourself a great rest of your day.

reply by the author on 04-May-2022
    Sorry, that went over my head. I didn't fully understand what you meant by Moma and Mama. I got it now. Thanks for getting me on the right track. It's fixed. Thanks again.
