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Brett Matthew West

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Rank:  76

Novel Rating
Rank:  23

Script Rating
Rank:  7

Review Stars
Rank:  127

#7 Ranked Script Writer


BREAKING NEWS in Trumpie-Poo's world today shows he has launched a new website called that highlights illegal immigration surge at the southern border during the JoJo Biden administration.

The website refers to Kammie Girl as the "border czar" and has pages dedicated to 13 states illustrating the influx of illegal immigrants in them, fentanyl deaths illegals are responsible for, and other crimes committed by illegals in all locations.

And, that is a look at what is happening in Trumpie-Poo's world today.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  115


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