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Brett Matthew West

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#7 Ranked Script Writer

Tax-Free Tips

In Kammie Girl's and Trumpie-Poo's worlds today several senior Democrats have begun to push back on the two candidates' hair-brained idea of exempting tips from taxes for some workers.

These Democrats say Kammie Girl blindsided them by endorsing a proposal originally floated by Trumpie-Poo. They also refer to it as a ploy for votes, particularly in Nevada.

Among Democratic policymakers' concers are:

-the potential 100 to 200 billion dollars Kammie Girl's proposal would add to the national debt

-the fear employers would use tax-free tips as an excuse not to raise base-level wages

-businesses would aggressively solicit tips from customers instead of raising their workers' hourly wages

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden called Kammie Girl's notion a "bogus proposal."

Democratic Representative Lloyd Doggett of the House Ways and Means Committee called it an "election year ploy."

For many Democrats, Kammie Girl's surprise endorsement of one of Trumpie-Poo's signature tax ideas has underscored their feelings of uncertainty about where Kammie Girl stands on major economic issues.

They wonder could it be Kammie Girl has no valid economic platform to lay out? Or, could it be possible, as many Democrats are beginning to think, Kammie Girl supports several of the items on Trumpie-Poo's economic agenda?

My! My! My! What are Democrats to think, Kammie Girl?

And, that is a look at Kammie Girl's and Trumpie-Poo's worlds today.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#5 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Tax-Free Tips

It doesn't matter. Even if either candidate found someone to introduce such a self-serving bill, it would never pass Congress. This is just a ploy to get the restaurant workers to vote.

It is a non-starter.


Poet Rating
Rank:  68

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Rank:  115 (+23)

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Rank:  55

RE: Tax-Free Tips

A non-partisan request: can we please knock it off with the pet names in the forum and try to keep those in our writing portfolios? I have written as much as anyone else mocking both of them, but this is more of a forum for discussing policy.

Kamala Harris is not a girl. She is a woman.

Donald Trump is a man.

Both of them eat, drink and poop like the rest of us, but one of them is going to be President and we will all have to live with it.


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Rank:  92

RE: Tax-Free Tips
Hey hooters, swing them hips!
You'll get to keep all tips!
Harris and Trump
Pledge this pay bump--
Unless each of them flips.

My word, 100-200 billion dollars in annual tips-generated revenue? (I doubt these numbers, though)
I've been in the wrong line of work and will now be setting up a tips racketeering business.
Applications are currently being accepted--with tips.

Simian, I don't know about these candidates pooping like the rest of us. I hear Trump wears diapers. Not sure most of us poop that way.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Tax-Free Tips

Yes, more respect would be good in the Forums. I have just watched Rep Nancy Mace repeatedly (like about 15 times) mispronounce Harris's name on live TV even though she was corrected each time. Guess which party she represents and which convicted felon and rapist she was defending.

The policy is debatable. I don't know enough about the pluses and minuses to argue the points. FYI there is very little tipping here in NZ - never been part of our culture.

I DO know that there is a huge difference between Trump's proposal and Harris's one. His proposal includes removing taxes on bonuses as well as tips. hers doesn't.

That means Trump wants to reward highly paid businessmen who get year-end bonuses - not just low-paid workers who get lower wages than they deserve because they also collect on tips.

Maybe we could discuss that.


Poet Rating
Rank:  68

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Rank:  115 (+23)

Review Stars
Rank:  55

RE: Tax-Free Tips

Bonuses require an higher income withholding, I think 40%, although the IRS refunds that difference later on. This disproportionately affects lower income workers. Do we really need the govt to tell us what is best for us, and enforce it? Well I guess that's how we ended up with social security, which is "invested" for workers below the rate of inflation. Unfortunately many poor folks are incapable of managing their own retirement and would end up indigent in their sunset years. Maybe it's because they have been groomed to be that way by cradle-to-grave policies.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  53 (+2)

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Rank:  117

RE: Tax-Free Tips

Sorry, not sure what you're saying about bonuses and whether they should be tax-free. Seems like a no-brainer to me - they shouldn't.

And poor people incapable of saving for retirement? I assure you that there are many well-paid people who for a variety of reasons end up in their 'golden' years without much gold to their names.

And even if someone is incompetent financially (in your eyes) is that a good reason to not assure them of some support in their old age? Are we to go back to poorhouses?


Poet Rating
Rank:  68

Short Works Rating

Rank:  115 (+23)

Review Stars
Rank:  55

RE: Tax-Free Tips

Bonuses should not be tax-free, and they also should probably not be withheld at 40% as that significantly affects the cash flow of poorer workers. Both Trump and Harris are playing cheap games to buy votes from the poor, and it all amounts to class warfare. A flatter tax system is more fair.

Instead we have a lot of regressive taxes (on things like food and fuel), and then try to fling money at the poor to make up for it, like they're too stupid to figure out how they are being played.


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