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2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  72

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  5

Review Stars
Rank:  48

#5 Ranked Script Writer

Biden is out.

Well, it seems Biden will be replaced in the election by VP Harris. The Dems and Donors finally pushed Joe out of the race.
But is VP Harris better? Or will she be the second woman to lose to Trump.


Poet Rating
Rank:  83

Short Works Rating

Rank:  88

Review Stars
Rank:  92

RE: Biden is out.

Well, I'm afraid to ask, but, is America open-minded, egalitarian and progressive enough to elect its first female--'colored' female--president?

Kamala Harris is worthy of the office, having been selected by Biden, and serving as VP for the past four years, and her political/public service record throughout her career, but will America be non-bigoted enough to see/accept this?

And if not Harris then who--and quickly?

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  72

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  5

Review Stars
Rank:  48

#5 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Biden is out.
Wow, Go. You went straight to the race card. Never mind that her polling numbers are lower than Biden, or that when she ran against Biden in 2020 Primary, she didn't win a single state or delegate. Never mind, that after Biden took office, he appointed Harris to manage the Border/Illegal Immigration crisis (How'd that work?)

Perhaps you're right, Most Americans are not "Progressive". We don't choose a person based on race or skin color, but character. Silly us.

By the way. Everyone is "colored" as everyone has a color, isn't that what your Rainbow flag represents?


Poet Rating
Rank:  68

Short Works Rating

Rank:  115 (+23)

Review Stars
Rank:  55

RE: Biden is out.

There is only one candidate who deserves your vote and it's not Kamala. Vote for Harambe, the only true ape in this election.

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  27 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Rank:  7

Novel Rating
Rank:  29

Review Stars
Rank:  106

#7 Ranked Author

RE: Biden is out.

SS, you're back!!!


Poet Rating
Rank:  83

Short Works Rating

Rank:  88

Review Stars
Rank:  92

RE: Biden is out.
LOL to Simian's comment.
Trump's as close to Harambe, a true ape, as they come. LOL

lance, Democrats, including Harris, were inches close to a sound/potentially effective bipartisan bill to address the border/illegal immigrants issue.
But, fearing that Biden and the Democrats would use its success to boost their election chances in November, Trump called for Republicans not to endorse it.
And, unfortunately, they choose to succumb to one man's selfish whim over the good/welfare of the country.
This is well known by all, including Republicans.

On the matter of America choosing their presidential candidates on the basis of 'character' and not skin color, ask Obama what social hell he went through in winning and performing his job as president. The racial slurs and jabs he had to swallow.
His 'character', family and close allies saw him through all that racist filth slung at him.

'Trump'...(positive) 'character'...???
Are there more oxymoronic ideas/terms than those?
Trump proudly touted his 'wooing' skills of grabbing women by their private parts...'Character'??
He made derogatory/insulting remarks on the looks, private parts and bodily functions of female journalists/reporters that made political comments about him that he didn't like...'Character'??
He chose to believe Putin of Russia over his own intelligence agencies...'Character'??
He proudly/publically claimed he could willy-nilly shoot someone on the streets and still be elected president...'Character'??
He had sexual relations with a porn star, lied that he didn't, paid her off to keep quiet about it, lied that he didn't, and has been found guilty of the charge...'Character'??
He lost an election, fair and square, but falsely swears up and down that it was rigged against him, and that he actually won, and then instigated the January 6 mayhem/riots at the Capitol...'Character'??

There are MANY more examples of Trump's 'character' but I appreciate that we do have lives to live.
America, is Trump the sort of 'character' we really want as president--really??

shelley kaye

Poet Rating
Rank:  6

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  93

#6 Ranked Poet

RE: Biden is out.
technically, hilary won. . .

stupid electoral votes!

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  72

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  5

Review Stars
Rank:  48

#5 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Biden is out.
Let's be honest. Facts: Go, if America was as racist as you seem to claim, Obama would have never been elected... Twice. After being elected as a state senator (that's when I met him), then being elected as US Senator. Are you claiming we couldn't see his skin color?

Also, the Electoral College isn't silly. Logically, it makes sense, in a balancing the power and influence of a Republic comprised of fifty equal states.

I'm not saying I like Trump as a person. I don't. But even a blind person can see he is way in the lead as far as winning the 2024 election. Like it or not.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  115

RE: Biden is out.
One could argue that the Electoral College is a form of affirmative action, or diversity, equity and inclusion as all states are not equal. It would be a fool's errand to suggest that California with a population of 39 million and the fifth largest economy in the world (that hugely elevates the US economic standing in the world) is equal to every other state. Yet because the Electoral College places an enormously prosperous state like California on an equal footing with every other state in terms of electing a president by electoral votes it penalizes success.

The Electoral College does not represent equality, it represents equity as equality treats everyone the same, while equity acknowledges and addresses individual differences to promote fairness and positive outcomes.

Good to see you Harambe. :)


Poet Rating
Rank:  83

Short Works Rating

Rank:  88

Review Stars
Rank:  92

RE: Biden is out.
Yes, lance, Obama was elected twice into office.
But, in my opinion, that was a one-off, take a chance, near miracle, let's try something new and exotic, kinda tired of the traditional candidates, at least one of his parents is white election of a 'half-white', nuance/new flavor candidate.
After which many, if not most, have sworn never to try that 'experiment' or vote that route ever again. One near-black president is quite enough, thank you.
Many acquaintances have directly/openly expressed such sentiments to me--we've had our dabble into/experiment with a black/colored president, now let's move on/back to the norm.

With such sentiments/mentality, does Kamala Harris stand a chance--a black/colored woman of Jamaican and Indian descent?
At least her husband's white--that might help.

I really don't mean to slam down the race card, but I know what I've been hearing and America's still, to an extent, a racist nation.
There's an invisible/unspoken glass ceiling for certain minority groups.
When Hillary lost to Trump, I knew this country had lost its politically moral mind.

As to Trump being 'way in the lead' to winning the presidency, I don't know about that or what polls you've been reviewing.
Even after Biden's bad debate night, fairly recent polls still showed a statistical dead-heat--a few points this way or that. No clear-cut/definitive lead either way.
And with Harris, it's the same.

I await to see how the Democrats re-organize themselves quickly in the next few weeks.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  72

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  5

Review Stars
Rank:  48

#5 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Biden is out.
I think I will take this exit ramp. GO, if you want to believe America is a racist nation, based on your personal acquaintances, while ignoring all the progress America has made and the incredible success of many black Americans based on their individual choices, (Myself included) that is your choice. One cannot debate such feelings.

Have a great day all.

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