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2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  24

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Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  110

RNC Convention

You have to get a charge out of watching the RNC convention on TV. If I didn't know better I would swear it's an episode of "Celebrity White House". I'm glad Mitch McConnell was roundly booed as it was him who almost single-handedly reduced the once proud Republican Party to the now disgraceful GOP of Trump. The Stepford wives, a group of overly ambitious sycophants who spout out their claim that motherhood is their greatest joy in life are blatant hypocrites. OK. So who is raising their children? Someone is, but it sure isn't them.

I would rate the Republican convention as a D grade movie. It is an event rated below average and an embarrassing example of the garish satire of real life presented by the former president. Trump is known for his mentions in movies such as Home Alone and The Devil's Advocate which I expect is very much like his involvement with his children and grandchildren--a cameo appearance. So what's with the fake story. I would love to see Trump dedicate even as little as eight consecutive hours with a child teaching him/her how to read, understand the complexities of life or even cook a meal.

And what about those Stepford wives, who must spend at least four hours every day pumping iron at the gym and lying in tanning beds to brown their pale skin. Let alone their frequent visits to nail factories and hair salons. Come on, who are these women trying to fool? Do they even write their own speeches? I've never seen such a pretentious display of plastic motherhood lauded by so many people who know better.

Just remember this when Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them."


Poet Rating
Rank:  194

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  112

RE: RNC Convention

Now, you look here!
I can stomach any abuse you wish to spout, but I'll be damned if I let you bad-mouth The Stepford Wives!
I don't know these goddesses of beauty and paragons of motherhood, or even where Stepford is, but I love them!
They can have my kids anyday--and twice on Sunday!

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  24

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  110

RE: RNC Convention
I know hey? I really must stop being so harsh on those Stepford Wives, but the good news is I didn't see any on stage this evening. I thought Kai Trump made an outstanding job of her first speech highlighting memorable experiences shared with her grandfather. Usha Chilukuri Vance's introduction of her husband was very well spoken and heartfelt. JD Vance's speech was impressive in delivery and content. The speech was well structured and mentioned many points Americans will find heartening. The way he organized youthful memories of globalization that ravished rural America (and rural Canada too if anyone cares) and then linked them to Biden was powerful. My guess is that he wrote the speech himself.

The only thing Vance missed, well one of many things he missed, is that Donald Trump also profited from globalization by manufacturing his merchandise overseas that he then turned around and sold in the USA at hugely inflated prices. Yes, Joe Biden was there, but Donald Trump was there too. In fact during Trump's presidency the Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019. Now that's a fast track.

Overall it was a most entertaining and informative evening. And we shall see if the Democrats have the gumption to rise to the occasion at their convention once they accept the fact they are going into this election with Biden and Harris.


Review Stars
Rank:  417

RE: RNC Convention
JD Vance? Would this be the ignoramus who said the UK was first 'Islamist' state to have nuclear weapons?

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  24

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  110

RE: RNC Convention
I hadn't heard that news, Emma so thanks for bringing it to my attention. After a cursory Google search it appears that Trump's VP JD did indeed make this ridiculous yet provocative comment after the Labour Party won. Any ideas what motivated him to do so? He doesn't strike me as the kind of man so uninformed as to think the UK is an Islamist state. But then, maybe he is just that ignorant. Perhaps it is an oblique reference to Sadiq Khan whom then president Trump challenged to an IQ test following the mayor's response to the London Bridge attack.


Review Stars
Rank:  417

RE: RNC Convention
What prompted it is that we have a Labour party win and the Labour party have a reputation for not blindly supporting Israel no matter what atrocities they commit.
Doesn't mean we 'side with Hamas', it just means we aren't pretending the Israeli government are innocent victims.


Poet Rating
Rank:  194

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  112

RE: RNC Convention
Geez, even a near-death experience couldn't stop Trump from Trump for more than 5 seconds.

His RNC speech was so telling.
President for all the country my a@#!

His policy of 'drill, baby, drill' from day one means he cares absolutely nothing for nature conservation, environmental protection and the adverse effects of global warming.
He'll most likely pull us out of the international climate change pact--the Earth be damned to global warming and pollution.

Off script, the guy is dynamite--and not in the good sense.

Democrats, get your freakin' sh%$ together!
Otherwise, we're in for a very bumpy ride with Trump at the helm these next four years!

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  29

Short Works Rating

Rank:  8

Novel Rating
Rank:  30

Review Stars
Rank:  71

#8 Ranked Author

RE: RNC Convention
The RNC....awesomeness from start to finish!
For the first time in years, I have hope for our country.



Poet Rating
Rank:  194

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  112

RE: RNC Convention
And JD Vance, if he indeed said what has been alleged of him here about the UK's Labour-led government, has shown himself to be a political leaf in the wind, two-faced and unprincipled--going wherever the dominant bandwagon blows.
He used to be a never-Trump guy, for 'very good/sound' reasons, but has now sold his political/ideological soul know who. Shame!

His wife, Usha, was barely acknowledged by that snobby crowd at the RNC (I was closely watching), and, as smart as she's touted to be--Yale grad and all--will just be a trophy wife side piece, much like Melania Trump is. Shut up and be seen, not heard.

Oh, oh, and don't gimme that bullsh$% rhetoric that Melania penned some high-intellectual political manuscript, as Trump made it seem, that deserves a place in the Library of Congress.
Geez Louise, she couldn't write a cogent paragraph articulating her thoughts if her life depended on it.
Isn't it very well known that she once plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech?
Whatever is claimed that she has now written was most likely written by a team of professional writers--and thinkers. She's simply a good-looking trophy wife--period!
She is good-looking, I give her that. But dumb as a bag of bricks.


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