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Level 1 Pro

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  377

What time is it?

Can anyone tell me what time it is in FS world? I live in the UK and don't know where FS is based in America so don't know what the time difference is.
I thought there was a clock on the site, but must have imagined it.
Sorry if this is a daft question.

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  27

Short Works Rating

Rank:  8

Novel Rating
Rank:  28

Review Stars
Rank:  104

#8 Ranked Author

RE: What time is it?

I think it's EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) 11:40AM as I post this a few minutes after you. The site sponsored contests get pulled right at my midnight.


Level 1 Pro

Short Works Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  377

RE: What time is it?
Thank you!

RE: What time is it?
Usually 5am UK summer daylight time. 4am when we are GMT.


Level 3 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  33

Short Works Rating

Rank:  130

Novel Rating
Rank:  17

Script Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  120

RE: What time is it?
Waving from Tasmania. I never know either.


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