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CD Richards

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Rank:  242

It's a beautiful day

Mark it in your calendars.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  67 (+1)

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Rank:  25

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Script Rating
Rank:  3

Review Stars
Rank:  27

#3 Ranked Script Writer

RE: It's a beautiful day

It sure is. Thank the people and DA in New York. They have assured Trump's victim status (no one cares if he paid a porn star.) and his election. They have made him a political martyr in the eyes of half the country.

CD Richards

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Rank:  242

RE: It's a beautiful day
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Dream on, Lancelott.

Yes, the drones will undoubtedly react in some of the pitiful ways they've been shown to adopt, but that can be dealt with. Meanwhile, I don't think the majority will choose to elect a convicted felon as the leader of their country. If I'm wrong, then God help you.

Meanwhile, I've started on today's playlist. Here's the first half dozen to put a smile on the dial while we celebrate:

Good Day Sunshine

Mr Blue Sky

Here Comes The Sun

Walking On Sunshine

Lovely Day What a

Wonderful World

Crank up the volume and dance!


2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  67 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  3

Review Stars
Rank:  27

#3 Ranked Script Writer

RE: It's a beautiful day

I'm glad you're happy, CD. Dance, drink, love and be ecstatic. I'm sure it will be all roses for you over there.

Meanwhile, this unprecedented event will have sweeping consequences for me and my fellow Americans, regardless of which side of the isle they are. I hope we all remain calm and react rationally. I for one do not want to see anyone hurt or harmed.

If you're angry do not take to the streets. Do not take your anger out of innocent people or your neighbors. Use your voice legally or at the ballot box.

To Republicans do not try to get revenge through weaponizing the courts. Remember: An eye for an eye. leaves everyone blind.

CD Richards

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Rank:  242

RE: It's a beautiful day
Of course the rest of the world will be happy. We don't like to see the insanity that festered from 2016 to 2020, and we don't like to see where it was taking your country, and potentially, the world.

Apart from your snide dig in "warning" Republicans not to weaponise the courts (which they have successfully done with the Supreme Court), I can actually agree with several things you said:

* Don't take to the streets
* Do not take your anger out on innocent people or your neighbours
* Use your voice legally at the ballot box

To which we could add "... and accept the result, even if you don't like it".

So, it seems we've found some common ground -- yet another reason to mark this day in our calendars.

CD Richards

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Rank:  242

RE: It's a beautiful day
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Just going to leave this here.

NOT by a democrat.

NOT by a "foreigner".

Anyone else appreciate the irony (stupidity?) in the fact that Donald Trump can still stand for the highest office in the land in November, but he can't vote for himself or anyone else?


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Rank:  167

RE: It's a beautiful day
I agree it was and remains a beautiful day. The Rule of Law survived and was handled with utmost care by a fair-minded and intelligent jury. I do not believe Trump can be elected in November. The majority of American voters do not want to let by a liar, a cheat, a person so obviously suffering from a mental and/or emotional illness, someone who is lost in revenge and an admirer of the autocrats and dictators of world. I found it difficult to listen when he said, out loud and in public, he was excited about his mug shot because it would encourage the black vote. To hear him say the immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country makes me nausea. His lack of any respect for women, including his daughter and wife, are beyond my understanding. The 'Final Reich' will not happen in the American I love. Always, the bullies and the troublemakers are the loudest, but they are never the ultimate winners when those who believe in love and compassion and forgiveness and stand up for it. There is no reason to believe we are going to hell in a handbasket, because we have those willing to stand up an evil man. And they will do it at the polls. ann

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  67 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Rank:  25

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  3

Review Stars
Rank:  27

#3 Ranked Script Writer

RE: It's a beautiful day

Sorry, CD, but it has just been confirmed that convicted felons CAN vote in New York (if not in jail), and in Florida (where Trump sometimes lives.)

CD Richards

Poet Rating

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Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  242

RE: It's a beautiful day
Message edited:

Yes, I noticed updates to that effect, Lancelott. Of course, that assumes he won't be in prison by then, and it seems likely he won't. It will be a travesty if he escapes prison altogether. Ann, very well said. Couldn't agree more.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  23

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Novel Rating

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Rank:  106

RE: It's a beautiful day
It will be a beautiful day when the fever breaks for the faithful subjects suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Those Trump deranged, WWG1WGA cloned members of the GOP of Trump who dress the same, talk the same, pray the same and lie the same for their God Emperor. Those Trump deranged RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) who scaled the walls of the Capitol armed with ropes, chemical sprays, baseball bats, crowbars and handguns to haul Nancy Pelosi from her office to drag her down concrete stairs smashing her head on each step.

Those Trump deranged followers who broke windows to gain entry to the Capitol while Trump sat in the White House dining room throwing ketchup at the wall whilst watching the violent attack on TV for over three hours. That corrupt cabal of Trump deranged thugs who thought it perfectly sane to call for the hanging of Vice-President, Mike Pence going about his constitutional duties.

The Trump deranged are under the spell of a witch that the former president must truly be, because if one is on a witch hunt it is a witch one is hunting for.

If the Republicans want to win this election they need to dump convicted felon Trump.


Review Stars
Rank:  403

RE: It's a beautiful day
I am struggling with the fact that someone recently convicted in a court of law can still stand for presidency. Someone who had been in prison for 5 years for crimes pertaining to money laundering stood for election in Sark once and there was uproar which resulted in legislation change. It was considered a major oversight on that tiny island, never mind a major nation.

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