Another Incredible Journey follows with this Amazing piece Entitled,
"When She Comes Home"
"Massacre of My Heart"
(A Touch of Reality)
Written September 3rd, 2020 By Dr. Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved''
'There's a battle going on in a place.'
'Lost within a Nightmare of my Mind!'
'There will no be prisoners or visitors of any Kind?'
'The 7th Cavalry's comes kicking in but even they have no idea of this Sin?'
Depth and level that has just begin!'
'Hollowed out.'
'Diced, Sliced, Pierced, Punctured, and distributed...
'As if Nomandic prisoners far, far, Away?'
'And it's time now for I must go?'
'There's another need for me?'
'You see below?'
'My name?'
'It's not very important.'
'Nor any future Fame?'
'Well what's important to Me?'
'You need to try and Understand?'
'Is there's something now missing inside of *Me?'
Approximate Word Count:
Author Notes
*Me: n.
person, being.
To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
'Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S.
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"The Gift of Life"
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Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer,
'Raoul D' Harmental'
And, his Incredible Picture
"Red-Winged Angels."