- Family Mattersby Wils
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Family Poem
Family Matters by Wils
    Family Contest Winner 

You grow up with them
Live with them
You fight
You laugh
You love
But when far away from them
There’s no other that you’d have
You hear their voice when on the phone
Use Zoom to see their face
Left only with reminders
Of how you’d love to be there in their space
To laugh loudly with your siblings
Like you did when you were young
Enjoy dinnertime with Mum and Dad
Where talk would roll right off the tongue
Value the family you have
However non – traditional
They are the only one you have
Totally unconditional


Writing Prompt
Write a poem on the topic of family.
Contest Winner

Author Notes
My family live on the other side of the world. Although I am in regular contact with them it only reminds me how much I miss them


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