- Silken Sunriseby June Sargent
This work has reached the exceptional level
A couplet to follow chapter 59 by Mark D.R.
Renga Multi-Author Book
: Silken Sunrise by June Sargent
Artwork by pfemd at

golden rays gently caress -

awakening dreamy eyes

Author Notes
Renga is a Japanese collaborative poetry form in which poets write alternating verses of 5-7-5 stanzas and 7-7 couplets which are linked in succession by multiple poets. Only the first 5/7/5 is a haiku; the rest 5/7/5 stanzas are only restricted to syllable count. Renga is older than haiku.

Please, if you would like to add a chapter to this book of renga, read these instructions then copy and paste to your author notes. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact Gypsy Blue Rose.

Steps to Post a Chapter:

click on the ADD CHAPTER icon, located above the review box.

If the last poem is a 5/7/5 stanza, write a 7/7 couplet, if the last poem is a 7/7 couplet write a 5/7/5 stanza. Write about the SAME THEME of the previous chapter but please don't REPEAT words.

Post your poem as usual but it will be part of the book. A copy will go to your portfolio and you keep your reviews.


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