Author Notes
*if you would like to add a chapter to this book, please, follow these simple steps and If you need help contact Gypsy Blue Rose*
Renga is a Japanese collaborative poetry form in which poets write alternating verses of 5-7-5 stanzas and 7-7 couplets which are linked in succession by multiple poets. Only the first chapter haiku needs a kigo (season word).
First, click on the ADD CHAPTER icon, located above the review box.
Second, if the last poem is a 5/7/5 haiku, write a 7/7 couplet, if the last poem is a 7/7 couplet write a 5/7/5 haiku. Write about the same theme of the previous stanza but don't repeat words.
Third, post your poem as usual but it will be part of the book. you can edit it and add a picture if you like. A copy will go to your portfolio and you keep your reviews.
........................... please copy and paste this information to your author notes ...........................
Thank you very much for reading me,