In times like these when all the news is grim,
my heart hears echoes of another day--
a day when skies were brighter--
when air was free of toxins and breath came easy--
when fresher eyes saw promises of bright tomorrows.
My heart yearns for the purer things in life--
friendship, love, respect, and honor--
stimulating conversations--
without judgment or prejudice--
people willing to listen to others with an open mind.
My eyes long to experience the beauty of the world--
majestic mountains, cascading cataracts,
gentle streams flowing through lush meadows,
sunsets, rainbows, and starlit nights,
ocean waves gently lapping at sandy beaches.
I long to feel a firm hand holding mine--
to touch the softness of a baby's skin and hair--
to stroke the fluffy fur of a kitten or a pup--
to relax and allow warm sunshine to caress my body--
to enjoy the zest of refreshing breezes on a summer day.
My ears crave the tones of beautiful music--
the lilting laughter of children--
the gurgling sounds of a flowing brook--
the songs of birds or cooing of doves--
the tender voice of a loved one.
I want to savor the scent of freshly baked bread--
lilacs blooming in the spring or gardenias in summer--
the aroma of the morning coffee brewing--
the damp earth after a summer rain--
the salty smell of the seashore.
My whole being cries out for a time of refreshing.
Let me escape a world of stress and discord,
and spend quiet hours allowing my soul to rejuvenate.
Let me not think of how few days I may have left,
but rather how I can best use those I've been given.