At rest with my eyes set on the night sky
I once had a deep tug of how love felt
With the hope that this spark I felt was nigh
From in the dark of night, one star did shine
The bright star lit her body form, so svelte
My heart was ready to erect a shrine
Hours passed by many in the midst of plans
Then in the light of day, the image of her melt
my heart ached, down my cheeks, tears ran.
Author Notes
Nocturna Potlatch Poetry Club challenge
A 9 line poetry form based on the nocturne theme containing three, three line lessons recited during the night. The subject must be nocturnal (meaning something that happens at NIGHT) and it consists of three couplets[tercets] linked by the rhyme of the centre line for a total of 3 lines per stanza.;
a. b. a. c. b. c. d. b. d.
METER--Iambic pentameter
thanks for the use of "Angel of the Morning" by MoonWillow on