"Gold and Silver this World does Chase,
Wisdom of Soul's Lost in their Haste!"
What's your Soul Worth?
Valued in mirth?
Freed of all dearth?
Here on this Earth?
People chasing after riches,
Risk snares pitches,
When Soul's leave dirt ditches!
Author Notes
Gold Coffins
By: George Martinez
(A.K.A) Chochee Medina / QC Poet
Witten in a Sapphoric Triad Poetry Format.
Photo Credit to Free Internet Download,
(Bumppy .com) plus Author Add-ons.
"Don't gain the world and lose your Soul, Wisdom is better than Silver and Gold."
~ Bob Marley
Reggae music is not a particular favorite of mine but, I liked Some of Bob Marley's.
A Sapphonic Triad form is as follows;
A two-line quotation (Free verse with a max total of sixteen syllables - must be concise and memorable)
Followed by a quatrain, four lines each of four syllables,
Finally an 8-4-6 syllable envoi that moves us on somewhere...it should have a "satori" feeling.
1) Mirt: (noun) Gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter.
2) Dearth: (noun) An inadequate supply; scarcity; lack.