- Listen to My Broken Heartby Ricky1024
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A dedication in a song.
Out Standing Stories and Poems
: Listen to My Broken Heart by Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
"Listen to My Broken Heart"
Written on April 4th, 2020
(A Dedication in a song)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

Chorus Number One
'Listen to My Broken Heart...
'Can you hear it calling your name?'
'Now listen more closely?
'To your heart, so broken but still contained.:
'Yes, I have felt your pain!'
'So listen now to my broken Heart and it calls your name.'
Melody (In Variation)
'Try to listen to My Heart?'
'For it has been broken and now renewed!'
'Do listen now to your Heart!'
'And, shall tell you exactly what you must do!'
'Don't you know that I know?'
'All you see and you?'
'So, listen to My Heart?'
'For my time is almost due.'
Chorus Number Two
'Times can be hard, it is so true.'
'But there comes A Time...
'When our lives will come due.'
'So if you can feel these words?'
'So deep now in your Heart?'
'You'll soon see?:
'Exactly what I can do.'
(Music playing in Beautiful crescendo)
Melody (In Variation)
'Feel now this message.'
'Yes, that my Broken Heart is now sending to you!'
'And, so, so, very pure!'
'Very pure and clear!'
Chorus Number Three
'So clearly these words...
'I say now and are sending to you!'
'I truly do.'
'And, I feel your pain.'
'As it now calls out your name!'
'So, listen to your Heart, so deep inside...
Chorus Number Four
'Listen to My Broken Heart!'
'Can you now hear what it says?'
'Listen now to My Broken Heart'
'Because if you don't?'
'It will be a Mortal Shame!'
Melody (In Variation)
'So, listen to My Shattered Heart...
'Because, somewhere...
'We all must realize.'
'That He, too will call out your name.'
'And, forever and ever?'
'We walk a Heart of *Pain.'
Approximate Word Count: 315..

Author Notes
*Pain: n.
suffering, torture.
'Yes my son Jason suffered on the 31st of this past March and Seventeen years ago?'
'On April Fool's Day?.
To learn more about,
'Organ-tissue Donations?:
'Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
'The Gift of Life,"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
'And, thank from the very Broken of my and my Only Son Jason's donated Heart.'

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist,


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