- Out of Timeby Brenda Henderson
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A Twin Flame Lovers Tale
Out of Time by Brenda Henderson
Twin Soul Soulmate contest entry

Anna had been in the old library archives all day it seemed, desperately trying to find everything she could to complete her term paper on the similarities between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. The comparison was mind blowing. The weapon used, the theater; the chase; the assassin being assassinated; both with predecessors named Johnson. The research was both compelling and riveting. She got a good grade on the paper but it wasn't the A+ she was hoping for. She always remembered looking through the microfiche in that old historic library. There was a strange feeling of familiarity when she perused the old newspaper headlines and watched short clips of the Abraham Zapruder film. The image of Mrs. Kennedy rising in the car after John was shot leaning over his body was forever etched in her brain. It was as though she had heard the shot in real-time when she encountered the photo on the front page of the paper. This was an old memory and experience; one she had filed away deep in the recesses of her unconscious mind. That is, until recently.

Anna had been on this twin flame journey for years but only really aware of it for about a year. She knew there was something about her relationship with Richard that was very different from anything that she had ever experienced before. She knew that she had loved Richard Hatcher since she was in pigtails, but she never knew that she had loved him even before that! Somehow she had heard from someone about twin flame videos on YouTube and she had begun watching them. At first it was just curiosity but the more signs and synchronicities that she encountered the more she realized that there was something to this Divine Union between the pair.

Anna finally stumbled upon the video that changed everything. It spoke of a past-life relationship. The theme was repeated over and over again in the videos and subsequent readings that she watched. There was definitely a strong connection between the two. Whenever she was upset he seemed to reach out to her at just the right time. Also there was something about the sound of his voice that calmed and settled her in her Spirit like no one else. She loved Richard deeply; so much so that it hurt her for the two of them to be apart. Often it seemed that she could sense his presence in the room with her at night and sometimes throughout the day. It even felt as though he held her in his arms whilst she slept. He was almost always on her mind and whenever she thought of how much she loved him she smiled. The past life reference kept being repeated. It really resonated with her. Apparently something had happened between the pair that had produced a rift between them. Anna wanted to know what it was. She prayed about it often and the thoughts and questions seemed to haunt her dreams. It was around then that she began to think back on her school days and it was during one of those reflections that she remembered that day at the library and the sound of that shot being fired .

All of a sudden everything became clear. It was as though she was seeing a film played in her minds eye. They were lovers before alright. Only in their previous life together their roles were reversed. She was the man and he was the woman. Perhaps the residual feelings of betrayal were contributing to the fact that he seemed to remain emotionally distant. They often mirrored one another's feelings. It was difficult to tell where one left off and the other began. The images floated through her mind. They were not just ordinary lovers; not now and most assuredly not then.

As the images became clearer she could hear the fights over the times that she had failed to make time for him then. She could see the image of the woman. She was beautiful, sultry, voluptuous, an icon. Platinum blonde hair; many had eyes for him. That had carried over into this life. Anna knew that even now she was not his only option. He was quite handsome, brilliant to her. He had the most beautiful light brown eyes and the sexiest smile in the universe. She loved him from her soul. She recognized the iconic beauty in the vision. Once she did she knew instantly who she had been; what the betrayal was and the significance of that shot! That wasn't just any blonde. That was "Marilyn." You guessed it; Marilyn Monroe! You now know what Anna knew. She had been John. That's right, John Fitzgerald Kennedy! That explained her interest in government and love of history all her life and the significance of that shot.

Then she hadn't had time for him because she (John) was married and had responsibilities and obligations that prohibited the pair from spending the amount of time together that they desired. We all know the tragic end to that tale. He (Marilyn) was found dead of an assumed accidental drug overdose shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories abound. She (John) had been struck down by an assassin's bullet near the infamous "grassy knoll" that fateful November day in Dealy Plaza. Yes indeed the script had been flipped because now she was the single person hoping for more time with him and he had become the powerful married partner with very little time to devote to her. Ain't Karma a B---h!. I guess it's true what they say: "What goes around, comes around!"

Their unrequited love had followed them from that tragic end in that past life into this one. The question is can the pair forgive each other now for betrayals then so that they may finally have the life and love with each other that they have always wanted? As Maya Angelou might have said: These Twin Flame Lovers have truly loved each other "In and Out of Time."

Author Notes
The image of Marilyn Monroe as and JFK is an iconic public domain photo found on Wikipedia.

The reference to Maya Angelou pays homage to the iconic renowned Poet Laureate's famous poetic work "In and Out of Time." I first heard it read by the Poetess herself in the Tyler Perry Film "Madea's Family Reunion."


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