I live where various birds fly and land, boy do they Squawk,
Most sound Friendly enough but it's me that they Mock!
Leaving home by my Walkway today a giant Hawk,
This wasn't unusual for me or come as a Shock!
Next admired bird on my list is the Dove,
Paired are great Reminders of two people in Love!
If you try to hurt these we'll Push back with a Shove,
One's Beautiful baby needs to be Gently Handled in glove!
An Ominous Cawing and Looks has the Crow!
This scavenging hunter bringing News too you Know?
From the Direction it's Facing if it does show!
So many more listed with Not much time left to Go!
In the other Color Spectrum is my Favorite Swan,
He's shown up now four years then Quickly is gone!
Surely migrating still Looking for a Great Big Pond?
No Geese here three years checked whileTrying to Bond!
Flying in also these last four years a Red Wing Black Bird!
Sings the Hippest of songs that I thought I once heard?
Dad's whistling changed calling us in while Not using a Word!
I listened to his shrill my Heart Strings got Stirred.
Another Bird on my list would probably Ask How?
Flying with Special silent Feathers in then POW!
This of course is that Hooting brown Owl!
With a "hoot, hoot" and go do it - he's my Night Bird Pal.
Diving and Driving in a Wash nearby, a family of Ducks,
Following their leader in rows on shallow water, Oh Shucks!
They get Upset but then never will Say that It Sucks!
Paying his way and still give him more big Bucks!
When Vulture's Circle in you Will know it's gone Bad,
Thing's are rotting Below it smells bad and Really Sad!
Dancing to Circle in it's not some kind of New Fad?
Don't like them Above but I'll Never go Mad?
Let's not Forget our daily little Chirper a Sparrow!
Who can fly away Faster than any thrown-away Arrow?
Flying through Branched trees both thick and the Narrow,
Carrying his little Twigs as if they were in a big Barrow!
Ravens are simular to Crows from what I have read.
A Difference is they fly in pairs or all Alone Overhead,
No Murder's here withTail Feathers shaped in a different Spread!
They Caw to Scavenge what is left to Ravage with out any Dread!
Author Notes
The Bird's I Know
By; George Martinez
(A.K.A.) Chochee Medina
How About Birds ~ Free Verse, A Poetry Challenge.
You Squawking at Me?
My Bird's eye view?
It's all that A few Birds Living by Me Squawk About!
Writen in Mono End Rhymed Sentences.
About these birds ~ Hawk, Dove, Crow, goose-swan, red wing black Bird, owl, duck, vulture, Sparrow, and raven.
How about a bird(s) for this challenge? Use it any way your imagination takes you.
No dead line