smoking teenagers
start a fire in barley field —
cool vibe up in smoke
Writing Prompt |
Write a 5-7-5 poem on any subject. The only rule is to follow the 5-7-5 syllable count (first line has five syllables, second line has seven, third line has five again). |
Author Notes
A 5/7/5 is a poem that has 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line. Some 5/7/5 poems are haiku.
summer haiku
5/7/5 syllables
Picture by Nicholas Sweet Rogers
I smoked my first cigarette at 13 years old. My girlfriend stole a pack of cigarettes from her dad. We went to a dry barley field to hide from adults and have our cigs in peace. We started a fire by accident and a truck driver that was driving by finding us. He threatened to tell our parents (although he didn't know them) and we panicked, put out the fire, and ran home.
Thank you for reading my poem,