"The Celebration!"
Written on December 31st, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024 and 'Jay'
Copyright © Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'
"Hallelujah come feel my elation." "Celebration!"
"The Skies are Bright tonight and a Crescent Moon winks it's eye."
"And, not an Angel above...
"Nor a tear in their eyes!"
"Music is playing...
"Golden Harps spread the word!" "Many Drums start their drumming...
"And, a new Angel...
(They've heard)
'A new decade and year appears...
'And, how I miss you so.'
'Not a day goes by and I can feel your pain...
'Still makes Me cry.'
'And, I so wish I could provide a reason why?'
'You see over Sixteen years ago, Fate and Destiny had their plans for me.'
'Yes, My young life was cut short but there was a reason you see?'
'Sometimes just when you seem to think everything is going your way...
'Something else happens and gets in the way?'
'So, on this day of gathering and Revelation...
'I want you to know below...
'As above...
'We too are enjoying...
"The *Celebration"
Author Notes
Approximate Word Count: 189.
*Celebration: n.
gathering, party, special occasion.
"As this New Year and decade approaches...
"It will be Seventeen years since we had to release my Son Jason to Heaven above due to mMassive Brain Damage."
"And, donate His many organs to Four deserved Human Beings...
And, to learn more about... "Organ-Tissue Donations." Simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1.
Special thanks goes out first, ad always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing and Talented Artist....
And their Incredible picture Entitled, "Spanish Fiesta"