- Politics King?by QC Poet
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Elected to Serve!
Pappa's Memories and Ramblings
: Politics King? by QC Poet
Essence poetry writing prompt entry

A Born "King" who Self Served? 
Torn Sad Clown self Reserved?


Writing Prompt
An essence poem is a short, structured form of two-lines, six syllables each with an end rhyme and an internal rhyme.

For example:

Orion studs the sky
as tulip buds grow high

-Jan Turner

Author Notes
Politics King?
Photography Credit to; Free Internet Search Downloads: President as; (king, clown) plus Author Add-on frame

Chapter xx Pappa's Memories and Ramblings

In Today's Entertainment Report Headlines;
"King" of all Scandals,
Brings Party's Dissed Sandals!
- The Entertainment King hires his self for fundraising Entertainment!
Film @ Eleven!

Two (2)Line Poem;
Write an essence poem. This is a poem of two lines with six syllables per line, each containing an internal rhyme and an ending rhyme.


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