Today...I've got a surprise for you.
We'll do the me down on one knee thing, Tomorrow Day...
"You mean cross your HEART, don't you, Cory?"
"Dad didn't tell me how to answer that one."
"What DID, your dad tell you, silly boy?"
"He told me to never try to out smart you."
"I'll bet your mom told him to tell you that."
"WOW. She did. How'd you know that?"
"Same way I know that you're using flowers
As an excuse to hide your fingers....but...
I'll take them anyway...give them here, Cory...
And...Thank You."
"Oh.... Okay, here. Take them. They're all yours, Emily."
"Hey...wait a sec. Aren't these flowers from Mom's flower garden?"
"Well...ehh...yeah...Sort of."
"Ooooooooooo! BOYS!"
"Do you still like me, Emily?"
"I'll answer that tomorrow day, when you ask me
Your down on one knee question."
"You will, Emily?
"YES, Cory."