An Ancient Cryptic message - As Above So Below - Knowing All?
Before Confirming Earth's Sea Mist Rises Overhead to form Clouds -
(Tablet 4) the Space Born?
Came Thoth the Atlantean Priest King ruler for 16k years in Ancient Egypt -
Hermes Confirmation?
Darkness is Only a Veil of the Light- A Deception?
Written on Tablets of Emerald Stone Long Ago- Taught Man Wisdom!
Author Notes
As Above So Below
An ABC - Poem Contest Entry Submission
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This poem Starts and Ends with the Fist letters of A, B, C, D, W
1. ABC poems have 5 lines (one stanza)
First 4 lines follow the order of the alphabet last line (5) can be any letter whatsoever of the alphabet, (poet's choice) any syllable length and may vary in length line to line. Can be on Any subject or topic, with rhyming and meter optional.
2. For additional information about this poems subject matter visit; summary of "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth";
3. Transactions by Author - Anita Saran 6/09/19 Exemplore - Advanced Ancient Civilizations and Doctor Doreal published in 1930's
4. Thoth was the Egyptian God of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon.