Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
"The Hic-Cup?"
Written on July 12th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copywrite C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'
"If it is killing you?"
"Eradicate it first!"
(Theology 46.01)
We all got led astray...
Some more than others...
And this is my Story.
Good morning.
I was born long before you.
Yes so, so, so, long ago?
That I hardly remember...
That day in December...
Most know me by name but you can just call me Bob.
Because, it's easier that way. My place of origin is not as important as my Life.
Yes, my life of misunderstanding...
And, because of that?
I shalleth pay...
"The Ultimate Price!"
The story that I'm about to share with you is something different but special.
Yes, special as I Achieved distinction by wearing many hats.
But my favorite was to teach.
Yes, to teach the word above to all whom would realize and listen.
And yes, I did and soon word spread about Me?
"Whom was He?"
"Where does he get those crazy notions?"
Some listened and some agreed but for now?
Those that did not?
Well they hung me up high on a Rosewood Cross at a placed called...
Yes, to die!
And, they first tried to soften me up with a 'Cat of Nine.' And, many other torturous devices!
As I bled below...
The ground Crimson Red Blood that day.
(The High Jewish Priests) Insisted that I carry away this heavy wooden cross for what seemed an Eternity.
Yes, I collapsed until a Christian helped Me.
And, as I collapsed...
The sun is now setting and up here there is more than just Me?
Others suffering for various crimes.
With nails pierced through wrist and ankle.
It seems...
Yes, it seems like there will never be any relief.
And yes, I refused any liquids at all to help the process that day.
That Horrid Day at Calvary.
But then some Cruel Roman Sentry thrust my side...
(I think twice)
And, so they say...
That they put me in a cave and sealed the entrance that day but I got out somehow, someway?
I guess Heavenly Father above whom word I do had spoken...
Knew more then Me that day.
Whom am I?
Approximate Word Count: 391.
Author Notes
Special thanks again goes out first to Heavenly Father above and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this talented Artist...
'Linda Bickston.'
And, her Incredible picture...