Follows with...
"When Dreams Come True and Happen to You!"
"The Day the Rainbows Went Away"
Written on June 12th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Fanstory C.2019
'All Rights Reserved,
Within a moment of Silence...
When All the Rainbows...
Went away...
You came back to me...
To brighten up my day... (Theology 45.71)
And yes, the Spring flowers had wept...
And the Daffodils?
Bowed their Bloom...
At this encroaching *Doom.
The car, A Ford Mustang, hadn't really gone that fast?
At 100 miles an hour?
They say...
As it hit the pole...
And continuously moved forward...
As if...
Depositing The Remains of the Day?
What more can I say?
Perhaps it apparent...
The outcome that was soon to haunt me..
To this very day...
As if a Blind date With Destiny And Fate...
Yes, to this very day...
The Daffodils bowed in Bloom...
And the Tulips wilted and withered away...
What more can I say?
"The Day the Rainbows Went Away."
Approximate Word Count: 162.
Author Notes
n. nightmare, feeling of all is lost, endless miseries and endless pain.
"On March 31st, 2003 around 10 minutes after 8 P.M. EST."
"And, as I played a game of chess on my computer."
"I heard the first noise?"
"And, as my wife was sleeping?"
"The second noise...
(Which I estimated was the car coming down from about eight feet up)
"Up in the air...
"After hitting the pole and resting in the street below...
"Was much louder waking up my wife."
"And, she wanted to know what was happening?"
"A Nightmare beyond Human Comprehension."
"As soon we would discover within a 17-hour period."
"That are only 18 year old son Jason...
"Was forever Brain Damaged...
"With no oxygen...
"And, to learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"And how you...
"If thrown into a Parents worst Nighmare...
"Can save Four Lives?"
"Simply contact my dear friend Lara Moretti the L.S.W. with...
"The Gift of Life" Philadelphia Pennsylvania "At 1-800-DONORS-1.
"And, thanks for this.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist, as well as, Talented writer, 'cleo85.'
"And, her Incredible picture, "Fake Rainbow"