Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Follow with another Amazing Journey Entitled
"Setting of the Son"
Written on June 12th, 2019
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Fanstory C.2019
'All Rights Reserved'
'The Last Curtain Call.'
Lights slowly Dim...
No movement at All...
No one in Sight...
The covers have long been pulled Back...
And, the pillows fluffed just Right...
But something's still Missing?
Missing on this Night...
I'm here but where are You?
Icey grip...
Over View...
I search the Stars and Heavens Above...
But Still...
Got no Clue?
I can Feel...
It seems but I'm still all Alone?
But for some good Reason...
You're right Here...
But I'm Still...
Still all alone in my home of Doom...
But I know your right There...
To show You still Care...
Right there in front of my Eyes...
And, I Know...
And, I Swear...
I so want and wait and Dare..
And, with each and every passing Day...
Another series of Tears...
Erupt somehow and continue to get in the Way?
But not of sadness because I know you'd have none of silly things...
Such as that...
But Saline tears carving a Path...
Down the sides of my sad Face...
That's what I Feel...
Yes, as if You're Near...
And, with each and every Moment...
I Pray...
I know in My Heart...
There will come a *Day...
Author Notes
n. moment in time, twenty four hours.
This dedicated piece to my son Jason...
Who has now accumulated over sixteen years of him not here...
Who unfortunately passed away due to severe injuries sustained from a accident...
And severe Brain Damage..
And, as a result?
To learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Just simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
'The Gift of Life.' Philadelphia Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1.
Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and then His Son Jesus Christ.
Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist' Imogencandler...
And, their incredible picture, "No Voice"